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3 0 CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND PROJECT STATUS <br /> l <br /> Between June 20, and September 17, 2003, the groundwater surface beneath the site dropped an <br /> average of 3 86 feet The groundwater gradient configured using the shallow-constructed wells <br /> increased from 0 0004 to 0 0024 foot/foot, and the flow direction shifted approximately 15 degrees <br /> toward the north The groundwater gradient configured using the deep-constructed wells increased <br /> from 0 0022 to 0 0045 foot/foot, and the flow direction shifted approximately 45 degrees toward the <br /> northeast Since the third quarter of 2002, the groundwater surface has dropped approximately 2 6 <br /> feet Since May 1992, the groundwater surface has risen approximately 19 4 feet <br /> Groundwater from Irrigation Well#2 did not contain detectable concentrations of any of the <br /> gasoline compounds analyzed Groundwater collected from Irrigation Well#2 has been free of <br /> gasoline compounds for 14 consecutive quarters <br /> ' Between June 20, and September 17, 2003 the concentrations of gasoline compounds in the <br /> groundwater monitoring wells remained relatively consistent MTBE in groundwater appears to be <br /> limited to the groundwater table to the northeast (downgradient) of the former UST As shown on <br /> 1 the isoconcentration map (Figure 6), the plume of groundwater impacted by MTBE is defined to the <br /> south by VW-1, to the east by MW-4, and to the northeast (downgradient) by MW-813 <br /> On June 20, 2003, Ramage Environmental submitted Work Plan for Groundwater Extraction, to <br /> attempt to reduce the MTBE concentrations in MW-5 and MW-7 On September 16, 2003, EHD <br /> approved the work plan On October 29, 2003, the UST Cleanup Fund pre-approved the cost to <br /> implement the approved scope of work, which included six monthly batch groundwater extraction <br /> events The first batch extraction event is pending contractor availability, and should be completed <br /> during the first quarter of 2004 <br /> 1 7 <br /> s <br />