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3 0 WORK PLAN, GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION <br /> Groundwater in six of the monitoring wells continues to contain concentrations of MTBE <br /> Concentrations of MTBE in the wells nearest the former UST source area (VW-2, MW-2 and MW- <br /> 3) have declined significantly, However, as shown on the Charts of MTBE in Groundwater <br /> (Appendix B), the MTBE concentration trends in the wells downgradient of the source area (MW-5, <br /> MW-6 and MW-7) are increasing <br /> Given the increasing MTBE concentration trend in the downgradient wells, EHD and RWQCB have <br /> declined requests to consider the case for regulatory closure EHD and RWQCB indicated that <br /> they would reconsider case closure once the MTBE concentration trend could project the natural <br /> attenuation of MTBE to below water quality goals <br /> ' As such, the objective of this proposed scope of work is to establish a declining MTBE <br /> concentration trend in the downgradient wells, so that the case can be considered for regulatory <br /> closure To achieve this objective Ramage Environmental proposes to extract groundwater from <br /> the downgradient wells (MW-5 and MW-7) on a monthly basis for at least six months <br /> Monthly, groundwater will be extracted for approximately four hours from MW-5, and for <br /> approximately four hours from MW-7 Groundwater will be extracted using a 5,000-gallon capacity <br /> vacuum truck capable of generating a vacuum of between 25 and 29 inches of mercury, and a one- <br /> inch diameter, semi-rigged, clear, PVC, downhole stinger Based on the historical groundwater <br /> analytical results, the vacuum truck will be used to transport the extracted groundwater as non- <br /> hazardous waste to a licensed facility for recycling <br /> IDuring the initial groundwater event, the drawdown and sustainable extraction rates will be <br /> measured in MW-5 and MW-7, and changes ;n depth-to-groundwater will be monitored in the <br /> surrounding monitoring wells These groundwater yield and radius of influence data may be used <br /> to modify future groundwater extraction efforts <br /> ' During the extraction of groundwater from MW-5 and MW-7, groundwater samples will be collected <br /> to evaluate the hydrocarbon mass removal The groundwater samples will be transported in an <br /> iced cooler with chain-of-custody documentation to a state of California certified hazardous waste <br /> testing laboratory, and will be analyzed for TPH-as-gasoline and BTEX by EPA Method <br /> 802018015M or 82606, and for MTBE, DIPE, ETBE, TAME, TBA and 1,2-DCA by EPA Method <br /> ' 82606 The results of the monthly groundwater extraction will be documented in subsequent <br /> quarterly groundwater monitoring reports <br /> 7 <br /> r <br /> r <br />