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i <br /> 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> During the fourth quarter of 1997, groundwater was monitored and samples were collected from all <br /> five original groundwater monitoring wells and the two vapor extraction wells (VW-1 and VW-2) with <br /> screen intervals coinciding with current groundwater levels <br /> ' The depth-to-groundwater beneath the site ranged from 47 81 feet Below ground surface (bgs) in <br /> MW-1 to 49 18 feet bgs in MW-5 The groundwater elevation beneath the site ranged from 30 81 <br /> feet below mean sea level (MSL) in MW-1 to 31 09 feet below MSL in MW-5 Groundwater levels <br /> have dropped an average of 1 94 feet since groundwater levels were last measured on August 13, <br /> 1997 The groundwater gradient was calculated at 0 003 foot/foot in a northerly direction Since <br /> ' May 1992, the groundwater elevation in MW-1 has risen 18 42 feet As a result, the groundwater <br /> table has risen above the screen intervals in monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-4 and MW- <br /> 5 As such, the groundwater monitoring and sampling results from these wells may not reflect <br /> groundwater table conditions Accordingly, groundwater from these five wells had not been <br /> sampled since April 1996 <br /> To evaluate the possible presence of oxygenate compounds in groundwater beneath the site, all <br /> five groundwater monitoring wells and VW-1 and VW-2 were sampled during this quarterly <br /> sampling event Groundwater sampled from VW-2 continued to contain the highest concentrations <br /> of gasoline hydrocarbons (5,700 ppb of TPH-as-gasoline, 370 ppb of benzene, 1,300 ppb of <br /> toluene, 230 ppb of ethylbenzene, 1,000 ppb of xylenes and 1,700 ppb of MTBE) Gasoline <br /> hydrocarbons were also detected at lower concentrations in VW-1, MW-1, MW-2, MW-3 and MW- <br /> 5 Monitoring well MW-4 was the only well without detectable concentrations of gasoline <br /> ' hydrocarbons <br /> MTBE was the only oxygenate detected MTBE was detected in VW-2 at 1,700 ppb, MW-3 at <br /> 1,400 ppb, MW-2 at 230 ppb and in VW-1 at 60 ppb The volatile organic compound 1,2- <br /> Dichloroethane was also detected in MW-3 at 230 ppb, VW-2 at 190 ppb, MW-2 at 120 ppb and in <br /> VW-1 at 14 ppb These concentrations of 1,2-Dichloroethane exceed the Maximum Contaminant <br /> Level (MCL) of 0 5 ppb Neither MTBE nor 1,2-Dichloroethane was detected in MW-1, MW-4 and <br /> MW-5 Carbon Disulfide was detected in MW-5 at 11 ppb <br /> The three drums of wastewater designated A, B and C did not contain detectable concentrations of <br /> TPH-as-gasoune, BTEX or MTBE Neither TPH-as-gasoline nor BTEX was detected in any of the <br /> drummed wastewater samples, however, MTBE was detected in the three drums of wastewater <br /> designated D, E and F at 6 ppb and in the three drums of wastewater from MW-2 at 55 ppb <br /> 5 <br />