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Working To Restore Nature <br /> 7 1 ppb (Sequoia) and 3 9 ppb (Applied) in the sample and no other petroleum hydrocarbon <br /> analytes were detected above method reporting limits <br /> Groundwater monitoring has been conducted on four occasions since wells MW2 and MW3 were <br /> tinstalled The wells were monitored on May 8 and May 20, 1992, January 25, 1993 and on <br /> April 27, 1994 The gradient magnitude has ranged from 0 008 to 0 0029 ft/ft and the gradient <br /> ' direction has vaned from north to northeast Water table elevation data are summarized on <br /> Table 3 The most recent groundwater gradient is depicted on Figure 3 <br /> 1 <br /> Since April 18, 1991, wells MW1, MW2, and MW3 have been sampled on three occasions, <br /> tMay 8, 1992, and January 25, 1993 and April 27, 1994 The levels of petroleum hydrocarbon <br /> impact to the groundwater generally increased from May 1992 until January 1993 The most <br /> recent sampling, April 27, 1994, indicated an order of magnitude decrease in petroleum <br /> hydrocarbon concentrations since January 1993 <br /> OBJECTIVES/WORKSCOPE AND METHODOLOGY <br /> ' Proposed Workscope <br /> The objective of this field investigation is to <br /> o Further define the magnitude and lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impact of the <br /> first groundwater beneath the site <br /> ' To achieve the above objective the following activities and workscope will be performed <br /> o Two soil borings will be drilled in the historical downgradient directions from the former <br /> tank locations, completing the borings as monitoring wells Selected soil samples <br /> collected from the borings will he analyzed for BTEX and TPHg by EPA methods 8020 <br /> ' and modified 8015, respectively <br /> 15004]1REPORTSIWP-0594 FNL 6 <br />