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1117 Lone Palm Ave,Suite 201 <br /> Modesto,CA 95351 <br /> Phone:209-579-2221 <br /> (VYATCFax: 209-579-2225 <br /> costs could be incurred for permitting, installing and monitoring additional groundwater wells to <br /> follow the plume, and/or advancing confirmation soil borings to ensure degradation is occurring. <br /> The cost of this alternative is estimated to be $200,000 to$400,000. <br /> Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) <br /> In order to determine the effectiveness of SVE, a vapor extraction pilot test would need to be <br /> conducted. Data collected during the pilot test would be utilized to evaluate the viability of soil <br /> remediation, as well as provide information to properly design a full-scale SVE remediation <br /> system. The installation of at least three SVE wells would be required to conduct the pilot test. <br /> These wells would be screened in the vadose zone from approximately 20 to 40 feet bgs. <br /> Subsequently, a pilot test would be conducted using a mobile vapor extraction system followed <br /> by installation and operation and maintenance of a full-scale system. <br /> The cost of this alternative is estimated to be $350,000 to$450,000. <br /> Groundwater Remediation Alternatives <br /> Groundwater Extraction with Biological Treatment and Bio-Enhanced Infiltration <br /> To determine the effectiveness of groundwater extraction and re-injection, an aquifer pump test <br /> and slug test would need to be conducted at the site. Data collected during the aquifer pump <br /> test would be utilized to evaluate the feasibility of this technology to remediate groundwater, as <br /> well as provide information to properly design a full-scale groundwater extraction and treatment <br /> system. In order to conduct the pump test at least three groundwater extraction wells would <br /> need to be installed. The extraction wells would be screened at approximately 40 to 55 feet <br /> bgs. Re-injection could be accomplished using existing on-site monitoring wells. Heterotrophic <br /> plate counts from the groundwater would be required to evaluate the indigenous bacteria. The <br /> plate count provides an estimate of the bacterial load in the groundwater. <br /> The cost of this alternative is estimated to be $250,000 to$450,000. <br /> Ozone Sparging <br /> In order to determine the effectiveness of ozone sparging, an ozone bench scale treatability test <br /> and sparging pilot test would need to be conducted at the site. Data collected during the bench <br /> scale and sparging pilot test would be utilized to evaluate the feasibility of this technology to <br /> remediate groundwater and the potential for secondary byproduct development, as well as <br /> provide information to properly design a full-scale ozone sparging remediation system. In order <br /> to conduct the ozone sparging pilot test at least two sparge points would need to be installed. <br /> The ozone sparging wells would be screened within the water bearing zone, which is <br /> approximately 50 to 60 feet bgs. Subsequently, a pilot test would be conducted using a mobile <br /> ozone injection system followed by installation and operation and maintenance of a full-scale <br /> system. <br /> The cost of this alternative is estimated to be$350,000 to$600,000. <br /> s:\cnvironmental\22493\reports\feasibility.doc 2 <br />