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3.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS <br /> 3.1 Geology <br /> Based on available historic soil boring logs, soil beneath the site and the surrounding area is <br /> generally fine-grained (predominantly silty clays, clayey silts, and clays, and minor intervals of <br /> silts, sandy silts, and material classified by cone penetration test [CPT] as "stiff fine grained") to <br /> the total depth explored of 100 feet bgs. Three laterally extensive sand strata (identified as Sands <br /> A, B, and C herein) have been encountered within the fine-grained sequence, along with several <br /> thin laterally restricted sand bodies. Sand A is encountered approximately 5 to 8 feet bgs, and is <br /> approximately 3 to 10 feet thick. Sand B is encountered at depths between 25 and 35 feet bgs; <br /> and is approximately 7 to 18 feet thick. Sand B appears to extend north to south across the entire <br /> site vicinity, but may be limited laterally to the southwest. Sand C is encountered at depths <br /> between 50 and 65 feet bgs, and is approximately 15 to greater than 25 feet thick. Geologic <br /> cross-sections illustrating interpreted stratigraphic relationships beneath the site vicinity are <br /> included as Figures 3, 4, and 5. The surface traces of the sections are shown on Figure 2b. <br /> 3.2 Hydrogeology <br /> Groundwater was first encountered during drilling at depths of about 7 to 10 feet bgs. A total of <br /> fifteen groundwater monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-7, MW-9, MW-10, MW-11, <br /> MW-14A, MW-15A, MWO-1, MWO-2, MWO-3) have been installed across the water table and <br /> screened to depths of about 20 feet bgs to monitor groundwater occurrence and quality in <br /> Sand A. Four groundwater monitoring wells (MW-8, MWO-lx, MW-14B, and MW-1513) have <br /> been discretely screened to depths of up to approximately 40 feet bgs to monitor groundwater <br /> occurrence and quality in Sand B. In addition, one well (MW-13A/B) is screened from <br /> approximately 11 to 31 feet across both Sand A and underlying Sand B. Two groundwater <br /> monitoring wells (MW-12C and MW-13C) have been discretely screened from 60 to 70 and 65 <br /> to 75 feet bgs, respectively, to monitor groundwater occurrence and quality in Sand C. Well <br /> construction details are summarized in Table 1. <br /> 3.2.1 Sand A Monitoring Wells <br /> Historically, in the Sand A monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-7, MW-9, MW-10, MW-11, <br /> MW-14A, MW-15A, MWO-1, MWO-2, MWO-3), depth to water levels have been as shallow as <br /> 6.2 feet bgs to as deep as 12.4 feet bgs; the average depth to water over the historic monitoring <br /> period is 9.7 feet bgs. Seasonal fluctuations of water table levels in beneath the site in Sand A <br /> wells on the order of one to three feet per year are typical (Figure 6). In general, an overall <br /> decreasing trend in water levels has been observed during the nine year historic monitoring <br /> period. Groundwater flow beneath the site, based on wells screened across the water table in <br /> Sand A, has been predominately northeast; however, in early 2006, an apparent shift of the flow <br /> direction towards the northwest was noted. <br /> L <br /> Page 11 5TKA TU5 <br />