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north and northeast of the study site The fourth well (MWO-1X) was installed in the <br /> vicinity of monitoring well MW-2, but screened in a deeper horizon Avalon concluded <br /> that the lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impact to groundwater was adequately <br /> characterized to the north and northeast, but the vertical extent of dissolved petroleum <br /> hydrocarbons remains uncharactenzed <br /> 3.2 Geologic Conditions <br /> Stratus developed geologic cross-sections (Figure 5) based on observations in soil bonngs <br /> advanced during previous site investigation activities Copies of these boring logs are included <br /> in Appendix A <br /> The study area is underlain by a predominantly silty sand stratum between 13 to 18 feet thick A <br /> coarse-grained sand layer is encountered at a depth of 6 to 10 feet bgs, and is 2 to 5 feet thick <br /> This coarse-grained sand is laterally extensive beneath the site but exhibits some discontinuity in <br /> the vicinity of the former northern UST's <br /> Underlying the silty sand stratum is a layer of hard clay, encountered at 13 to 18 feet deep under <br /> the northern portion of the study area and extending to at least 22 feet bgs Laterally, the clay <br /> layer appears be continuous beneath the site except in the vicinity of GP-4 where it was not <br /> encountered to the depth of 20 feet bgs The hard clay layer was reported to be grading into a <br /> coarse grained sand at samples taken from approximately 20 feet bgs in soil borings MWO-1 <br /> through MWO-3 However, the sand stratum underlying the hard clay unit reported at the depth <br /> of approximately 22 feet bgs in MWO-1X was not identified in soil bonngs for MWO-1 through <br /> MWO-3 The lateral and vertical extent of the hard clay layer has not been adequately evaluated <br /> Further subsurface exploration is warranted to determine the vertical and horizontal extent of the <br /> hard clay in this vicinity <br /> Beneath the hard clay layer in the deepest boring advanced at the site (MWO-1X), strata of silty <br /> sand and more dense clay were encountered at depths ranging from 22 to 28 and 28 to 30 feet <br /> bgs, respectively The extent of these lower strata, both laterally and vertically, has not been <br /> adequately evaluated beneath the site <br /> 3.3 Hydrogeology <br /> Quarterly groundwater monitoring and sampling began in February 2000 Groundwater flow, <br /> through the second quarter 2003 in the shallow-screened monitoring wells, was generally <br /> northeast to east North and northwest flow has sporadically been observed Groundwater <br /> gradients have been relatively flat, between 0 00083 and 0 0015 ft/ft During the most recent <br /> monitoring event (second quarter 2003) groundwater flow was northeast at the gradient of <br /> 0 00088 ft/ft Groundwater beneath the site has been measured at depths between 6 and 10 feet <br /> bgs Groundwater elevations have fluctuated from 1 to 2 feet between monitoring events, but do <br /> P Voe's Truck Plaza\Reports\SCM_09-2003Uoes truck plaza SCM doe Page 7 O-MATu5 <br />