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3 0 CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND PROJECT STATUS <br /> Between July 24, and November 25, 2002, the groundwater surface dropped an average of 1 38 <br /> feet, the groundwater gradient decreased slightly from 0 029 to 0 022 foot/foot, and the <br /> groundwater flow direction remained constant toward the east-southeast <br /> Between July 24, and November 25, 2002, the concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in <br /> groundwater generally increased, possibly due to the lowering of the groundwater table into a <br /> deeper interval of impacted sod The plume of impacted groundwater appears to be defined at <br /> MW-4 to the north-northeast of the former USTs Since the groundwater flow direction continued <br /> toward the east-southeast, the downgradient extent of impacted groundwater remains undefined <br /> Based on these conclusions, Ramage Environmental recommends that the four monitoring wells <br /> continue to be monitored and sampled on a quarterly basis to evaluate the stability of petroleum <br /> r concentrations and groundwater flow and gradient characteristics The next groundwater <br /> monitoring event is scheduled for February 2003 If the flow direction remains toward the east- <br /> southeast, it may be necessary to install additional monitoring well(s) to define the downgradient <br /> extent of impacted groundwater <br /> i7 <br /> 1 <br />