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' Mr.Marty Hartzell <br /> February 16,2001 <br /> Page 4 of 8 <br />'1. <br /> . Groundwater was first encountered at a depth of approximately 60 feet bgs in borings SB 1 and <br />' SB4. Subsequent depth to water measurements indicated that the water had remained static at that <br /> depth. A discrete groundwater sample was collected from borings SB 1 and SB4 using a <br /> HydroPunchTM sampling tool. Spectrum drove the sampler to the desired depth, then pulled the <br /> rods up several feet to expose the screen to the formation. A stainless steel bailer was then lowered <br />' through the rods to the bottom of the sampler. Water samples were collected and dispensed <br /> directly into the appropriate sample containers. The samples were placed into an ice chest cooled <br />' to a temperature of 4° Centigrade and transported under chain-of-custody to Argon Labs for <br /> analysis. <br />' The completed borings were backfilled to the ground surface with neat cement grout. All down- <br /> hole drilling and sampling equipment was decontaminated using a steam cleaner. Soil cuttings and <br /> rinsate generated during drilling activities were placed in labeled DOT approved 55-gallon drums. <br /> ' The drums are stored on site pending the results of analytical sampling and determination of <br /> appropriate disposition for the waste stream. <br /> 4.0 RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION <br /> 4.1 Subsurface Conditions <br /> Soils encountered beneath the site generally consisted of interbedded units of sand, silt and clay. <br /> Soil encountered from the ground surface to approximately 13-18 feet bgs consisted primarily of <br /> clay with some silt, although soil encountered to approximate 13-15 feet bgs in boring SBI <br /> appears to be imported fill material. Underlying the fine grained soils, a laterally continuous unit <br /> ' of sand persists to a depth of approximately 38 feet bgs, although an apparent clay lens within <br /> this unit was encountered in borings SBI and SB3 from approximately 23-28 feet bgs. <br /> Interbedded silts and clays exist from approximately 38 feet bgs to at least 60 feet bgs, the <br /> maximum depth explored. An apparent sand lens was encountered within this lower unit in <br /> borings SBI and SB4 from approximately 43-48 feet bgs. Groundwater was first found at a <br /> depth of approximately 60 feet bgs. <br /> ' Strong petroleum hydrocarbon odors were noted in boring SBI in silty soil at a depth of <br /> approximately 40 feet bgs. Moderate odors were noted at depths of approximately 15 feet bgs (silt) <br /> ' and 25 feet bgs (clay), and slight odors were noted at depths of approximately 20, 30, and 45 feet <br /> bgs (all sand units). No discernible odors were present above 15 feet (fill) or below 45 feet (clay <br /> and silt). FID readings generally correlated to observed odors, with readings of 200-500 parts per <br /> million (ppm) at depths of 15, 25, and 30 feet bgs, and a reading in excess of 10,000 ppm at <br /> approximately 40 feet bgs. No odors were discernible in any samples collected from borings SB2 <br /> or SB4, although the sample collected at a depth of 40 feet bgs in boring SB3 had slight to moderate <br /> ' petroleum odors(FID of 200 ppm). <br /> Soil boring logs are included in Attachment 1. <br /> ' detalgrounulgonza[esLtiianrpt.doc <br />