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' Mr. Marty Hartzell <br /> February 16, 2001 <br /> Page 6 of 8 <br /> ti depth of approximately 40 feet, where TPHg at 1.4 ppm was detected in boring SB3, located <br /> approximately 13 feet southeast of boring SB 1. SB 1 was presumed to be the approximate center of <br /> the source area and SB3 was presumed to be the lateral limit of contamination at that depth. <br /> Subsurface was divided into five zones and radii impact in these zones were estimated based upon <br /> soil type and concentration at the source (SBI) within each zone. Accordingly, the approximate <br /> zones of contamination and estimated radii of impact are as follows: . <br /> ' Zone 1: 13-23 feet bgs; silt underlain by sand, radius of approximately 6 feet. <br /> Zone 2: 23-38 feet bgs; clay/silt underlain by sand,radius of approximately 10 feet. <br /> Zone 3: 38-43 feet bgs; silt, radius of approximately 13 feet. <br /> Zone 4: 43-48 feet bgs; sand and silt, radius of approximately 10 feet. <br /> Zone 5: 48-60 feet bgs; clay and silt,radius of approximately 10 feet, low level xylenes only. <br /> ' The mass of residual contaminants in the soil was calculated using the following equation: <br /> mass of analyte in soil= (avg conc. in mg/kgx 10-)(bulk density in kg�ft3)(vol. affected soil in ftp) <br /> ' The average concentration used in the calculation for each zone of contamination is equal to '/i of <br /> the detected concentration at the source, or 1/2 the detection limit (in essence the average of highest <br /> ' and lowest(non-detect) concentration in each zone). <br /> Contaminant Total Mass in Vadose Zone k Avg. Conc. in Vadose Zone (rng/kgj <br /> MTPHd 25 54 <br /> TPHg 2068 4515 <br /> Benzene 5.4 12 <br /> ' Toluene 56 121 <br /> Eth lbenzene 52 113 <br /> X lenes 256 407 <br /> Details of mass calculations are presented in Attachment 3. <br /> 5.0 SUMMARY <br /> Soils found at the site can generally be characterized as interbedded layers of sand, silt, and clay. <br /> Fine grained soils consisting of predominantly clay with some silt extended to approximately 13 to <br /> ' 18 feet bgs; sand with some clay was encountered from approximately 13-18 feet bgs to <br /> approximately 38 feet bgs, and alternating beds of silts and clays were encountered from <br /> approximately 38 feet bgs to at least 60 feet bgs, the maximum depth explored. Groundwater was <br /> first found at a depth of 60 feet bgs. <br /> Strong petroleum hydrocarbon odors were noted in boring SBI at a depth of approximately 40 feet <br /> ' bgs, moderate odors were noted at depths of 15 feet and 25 feet bgs, and slight odors were noted at <br /> depths of 20, 30 and 45 feet bgs. Slight odors were detected in only one sample collected from <br /> boring SB3 (40 feet bgs), but no odors were detected in any samples collected from borings SB2 or <br /> detslgrounulgonzslee�swnrpt.doc <br />