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*Table 1e 2 of 2 <br /> 9 <br /> Groundwater Elevation and Analytical Data <br /> ARCO Service Station#434 <br /> 501 W Kettleman Ln,Lodi,CA <br /> Well Depth Groundwater Groundwater Ethyl- Xylenes <br /> Well Date Elevation to Water Elevation Elevation TPHg Benzene Toluene benzene (total) MtBE DO O&G <br /> Number Sampled (ft,MSL) (ft,TOC) (ft,MSL) Change(ft) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) (mg/L) (mg/L) <br /> W-3 1121100 P 4246 5441 -11 95 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <2 0 2 3 <br /> 4/28100 P 5347 -1101 0 94 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <2 5* 121 -- <br /> 915100 P 5802 -1556 -455 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <2 0 5 <br /> 12/15/00 P 56 41 -1395 161 <50 0 <0 500 <0 500 <0 500 <0 500 <2 50 123 <br /> 3115/01 P 5463 -1217 1 78 <50 0 <0 500 <0 500 <0 500 <0 500 <2 00* 224 <br /> 5111101 P 5455 -1209 008 <50 0 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <2 00* 087 <br /> 9112101 P 5992 -1746 -537 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <2 0* 023 -- <br /> 12l14101 P 5787 -1541 205 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 5o <0 50* 217 3/11/02 P 5553 -1307 234 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50* 322 -- <br /> W-9 1121100 P 4440 5616 -1176 -- <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 558 2 5 <br /> 4128100 P 5527 -1087 089 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <2 5* 593 - <br /> 9/5/00 NP 6003 -1563 -476 113 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 707 <2 0 430 <br /> 11/1/00 P 59 38 -1498 065 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <2 50 <5 0(a) <br /> 12/15/00 P 5821 -1381 1 17 <50 0 <0 500 <0 500 <0 500 <0 500 <2 50 109 800 <br /> 3115101 P 56 44 -1204 177 <50 0 <0 500 <0 500 <0 500 <0 500 <2 00* 176 <5 00 <br /> 5/11101 P 5643 -1203 0 01 <50 0 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <2 00* 3 34 <5 0 <br /> 9112/01 P 6185 -1745 -542 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <050 <0 50 <2 0* 428 <5 0 <br /> 12/14/01 P 59 67 -1527 218 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50* 3 51 <5 0 <br /> 3111102 P 5731 -1291 236 <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50* 351 <5 0 <br /> Trip 5111101 -- -- -- -- <50 0 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <2 00 <br /> Blank 9/12101 -- -- <50 <0 50 <0 5o <0 50 <0 50 <br /> 12/14/01 -- -- -- <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 _ <br /> 3111102 — — -- -- <50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 <0 50 — <br /> Notes <br /> TPHg=Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline m9fL=milligrams per liter <br /> MtBE=Methyl tart-butyl ether P/NP=purged/not purged <br /> DO=Dissolved oxygen *=analyzed using EPA Method 8260 <br /> O&G=Oil&grease <=below given laboratory detection limit <br /> ft=feet =not measured or analyzed <br /> MSL=mean sea level (a)=sample analyzed for Total lead using EPA Method 6010 and Chlorinated hydrocarbons using EPA Method 624,analytes reported as nondetectable <br /> TOC=top of casing <br /> PPI)=parts per billion <br /> Projects/ARCO/434/Report lTables/gwtables434 As <br />