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A lower CEC would have been expected in the shallow soils. This suggests that the surface and <br /> subsurface soils have a medium potential for the retention of ammonium molecules for microbial and <br /> plant root assimilation. The nitrate nitrogen concentrations at each depth is nearly the same, <br /> indicating that even with high OM in the surface soils,this is not promoting higher nitrogen <br /> concentrations at the lower depths. This may be attributable to a significant denitrification <br /> environment. <br /> NLS§3.3, SSS§5.3,5.4. Table 1 below summarizes the analyzed soil physical and chemical <br /> characteristics from the retrieved soil samples: <br /> TABLE 1 <br /> SOIL PROFILE CHARACTERISTICS AND <br /> ANALYTICAL TEST RESULTS <br /> SAMPLE I.D.DEPTH SOIL TEXTURE SOIL NITRATE- pH AND <br /> CLASSIFICATION NITROGEN CONTENT CATION EXCHANGE CAPACITY <br /> In meq/100g <br /> 3 FT DEPTH Sandy Loam 15 ppm NO;-N 9.0 13.2 meq/100g <br /> (ML, SM) <br /> 8 FT DEPTH Loamy Sand 14 ppm NO;-N 8.6 14.7 meq/100g <br /> ML,SM,CL <br /> C. PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS <br /> SSS§ 6.2. To assess the permeability of the shallow leachline soils and deeper soils indicative of <br /> sumps,percolation test borings were completed in the location depicted on the project Site Plan <br /> produced by Michael Orozco, PE who is the engineer for Robertson's. <br /> SSS§ 6.3. After drilling,the sidewall of the shallow boring was scored with a pry-bar to open <br /> potentially smeared soil surfaces that may have occurred. Two inches of pea gravel was placed at <br /> the bottom and a three-inch perforated PVC pipe was inserted in each test boring. After these <br /> procedures,the borings were pre-saturated with 12 inches of water approximately 24 hrs prior to <br /> the start of testing. <br /> SSS§ 6.4,6.5. On November 21, 2019,percolation testing commenced at 0745 hrs. No standing <br /> water was observed in either boring after the 24-hr soak period. Consequently, EHD Pere Test <br /> Procedure#2 was conducted. Testing was done over a four-hour period to induce maximum soil <br /> saturation. A summary of the perc test results with corresponding application rates in gallons of <br /> effluent accepted per square foot of soil per day are illustrated below: <br /> Page -3- <br /> Chesney Consulting <br />