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INTRODUCTION <br /> 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT <br /> 1.1 Description of Site: The project consists of one parcel totaling 4.5 acres. The project is in an <br /> agricultural area with a property zoning of AG-40. The address is 1123 N. Jack Tone Road, <br /> Stockton, CA 95215. The Assessor's parcel number is 103-200-08. <br /> Description of proposed development: The facility has been in operation as a tree trimming <br /> business for many years. The site is currently under an Enforcement Violation so the owner has <br /> applied for a Site Approval. The project will be constructed in two phases. Phase 1 is the <br /> relocation of a 1584 sf(+/-)modular building and retrofitting a 200 sf(+/-) storage bin to be in <br /> compliance with the building code. Phase 2 is a 7500 sf addition to an existing 2500 sf <br /> agricultural building to be used for storage. Phase 2 will be complete in 5 years. Operations are <br /> planned for eight hours per day, five days per week and are expected to generate eight trips per <br /> day. Hours may expand to seven days per week(still eight hours per day) occasionally as <br /> demand dictates. The project will use the existing well and septic system. Access to the project <br /> is from Jack Tone Road. There is an existing welding shop contained in a 2,100-square foot <br /> building which is used for servicing the owner's equipment. This parcel is not under a <br /> Williamson Act Contract. <br /> 1.2 Parcel vicinity location map: (See Appendix). <br /> 1.3 Site map: (See Appendix). <br /> 2.0 PAST, PRESENT, AND PROPOSED FUTURE USES OF THIS SITE <br /> 2.1 Discussion of Past,Present uses at the site to assess potential problems: The present owner <br /> is Robert N. Maragliano, Sr. Robert is the trustee of the Robert N. Maragliano, Sr. Revocable <br /> Trust, dated February 7, 2011. He has owned the property for 5 years. The land use has not <br /> changed dramatically under his ownership. The parcel has been used for storage of farm <br /> equipment, a welding shop, and a modular office for more than 5 years associated with his tree <br /> trimming business. <br /> Previously the property was used for storage of farm equipment, a welding shop, and a modular <br /> office. The surrounding properties are also used for agricultural,rural residential,and agricultural <br /> production and packaging purposes. The proposed expansion of the storage building poses only a <br /> minor impact to the site's nitrate concentration, based on the parcel size relative to the proposed <br /> improvements and the use of the proposed building. <br /> 3.0 CHEMICAL AND PHYSCAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL <br /> 3.1 Description of existing chemical and physical properties of soil: For a description of the <br /> chemical and physical properties of the soils underlying the site, refer to Section 5 of the Soil <br /> Suitability report prepared by Joel Montano of Dillon& Murphy (attached in the Appendix). <br /> 1 <br />