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including, but not limited to,air permit requirements,compliance monitoring,system <br /> effectiveness,VOC reduction beneath the apartments,adjacent plume control,etc, <br /> 3. Installation of vapor points is confusing. The description indicates each vapor point will <br /> be installed to 5 feet,subcoatracted to a C-57 licensed drilling company, and hand cored <br /> to five feet bgs. Clarification of vapor point installation methodology would be <br /> beneficial. <br /> 4. The Work Plan describes installation of five vapor point locations to a depth of five feet <br /> bgs. Rive soil vapor point locations,with a vapor point installed at 5 feet is insufficient <br /> for system and plume monitoring. A sufficient number of vapor monitoring wells.given <br /> consideration of lateral and vertical air flow,and soil heterogeneity and plume locations, <br /> should be installed to provide evaluation of vapor flow pathways and concentrations <br /> between the SVE apartment wells,SVE excavation wells,DPE wells,and impacts to <br /> adjacent soil plumes and groundwater plumes. Integration of previously collected soil gas <br /> data,such as the Gore-Sorber data for benzene and other VOCs,as reported by Clayton <br /> (6 August 2002)should be considered during placement of vapor points. <br /> S. As reported for the LAM OU,Parcel 2'1 area,the presence of known and unknown <br /> underground lines were confirmed(Sccor,9 January 2004)and subsequently removed <br /> (Sector, 10 February 2005). By inference,underground lines are present beneath the <br /> aputmernts in the L&M OU, nun-Parcel 2A area as a result of historic operations, <br /> including but not limited to the following: <br /> a. Underground pipelines to and from the former Standard Oil AM foirnerly <br /> located in the area of the northeastern two apartment buildings (Sanborn 1917; <br /> Sanborn 1950;Tidewater 1961); <br /> b. Underground pipelines to the truck loading rack formerly located in the area of <br /> the northeastern apartment building(Tidewater 1961;Sanbom 1977); <br /> c. Underground pipelines to and from as least 1Q.AM formerly located to the <br /> irnmc&te northeast of the inursection of former Edison Street and Main Street, <br /> beneath the apartment building at the same location(Sanborn 2917;Sanbom <br /> 1950);and <br /> d. Underground pipelines to and from diesel E=k No. 5008 formerly located to the <br /> immediate northwest of the intersection of former Harrison Street and Main <br /> Street;beneath the apnrtment building as the same location (Sanborn 1950; <br /> Tidewater 1961). <br /> Placement of vapor probes and air Row pathways should consider the presence of these <br /> pipelines,especially as transport conduits for GOntnrninant migration sad SVE short- <br /> circuiting. <br /> hortcircuiting. <br /> 6. Site soils have been described as heterogeneous,these soils" the shallow zone <br /> predominantly consist(sng)of sats,silty sands,and silty gravels ranging in depths of four <br /> to tea feet bgs and organic clays,clays,high permesbility silts,and lenses of sands and <br /> poorly graded sands from depths ua&g from four to ten feet bgs" (Secor,29 July 2005, <br /> pg.2). As discussed above,vapor point installation sbould consider heterogeneity of <br /> soils,and the resultant preferential horizontal pathways(vapor transport)along more <br /> permeable soil zones. Ibc.presence of heterogeneous soils supports the need for VOC <br /> reduction in conjunction with adequate soilvapox concentration and flow Cwaluation to <br /> minimize the potential formigration of adjacent VOCplumes to beneath the apartment <br /> buildings. <br /> 7. Albeit,construction of SVE wells beneath the apartments is consistent with the objective <br /> of removing volatile contaminants from beneath the apartments,the Work Plan does not <br /> US Angcles,NCas6 City and San Diego Golden Stzta Envimnmenul <br /> l;.i:t.n�t�:_•r.;_5..:�•.�!.'�+N t' 11'ord,!'i�r.1l •�: <br />