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FOOD 4 LESS/ RANCHO SAN MIGUEL <br /> EVACUATION PLAN <br /> 1. Only the most Senior Manager in the store at the time of the event, shall make the decision to <br /> evacuate the building. The decision will be based on observations and/or information received <br /> regarding the event. The Senior Manager shall be in charge of the situation, until the arrival of the <br /> proper authorities_ <br /> 2. The Senior Manager shall himself/herself, or designate another employee, to get on the "Comm <br /> Line" and announce, "CODE ORANGE," three times. If the problem is in a particular location of the <br /> store, the store, the announcement may also include a direction in which exiting may be safer. <br /> 3. All employees hearing the CODE ORANGE shall not go to investigate the situation: they shall leave <br /> the building using the most immediate exit, unless directed otherwise. On the way to the exit, each <br /> employee shall address all customers encountered, that there is a problem in the store that requires <br /> everyone to leave the building. Either have them follow you, or specifically point out the exit. Do <br /> not let a customer go off in another direction, and once outside do not let a customer go back in. <br /> Do not use physical force to prevent the above, rather block their path and continue to request they <br /> comply. Make sure others hear you ask for compliance. Close the exit door. <br /> 4. If safe to do so, each Dept. Manager shall assure their area has been evacuated. <br /> 5. The Senior Manager in charge, shall ensure 911 is called. If the in-house telephone system is <br /> inoperable, the Senior Manager is to assign an employee to go to the nearest pay phone and call <br /> 911. Coins are not needed to dial 911. A cellular phone can also be used. <br /> 6. All employees shall go directly to the EVACUATION ASSEMBLY AREA. <br /> Store #1 (March Lane, Stockton): Parking lot next to Yokuts Street. <br /> Store #2 (Wilson Way, Stockton): Parking lot next to Fremont Street <br /> Store #3 (Lodi): Parking lot by Bev-Mo. <br />