Laserfiche WebLink
12/02/2012 21:41 2093396097 SANBORN PAGE 06 '09 <br /> ' 1 McCam bell nal tics! Inc, Is»wnlrwn5�41ta:,�,rat ur�.cA 94S65.1101 <br /> '+MNrr-- Toll F1ecTcicphone:(S?7;252-9262/Fax:(925)252-9269 <br /> "61 Neff Qua 'tv G>c�n1c" http;!lKww me Wm bell,corn/E+nail; <br /> QC SL Yi,NTARY REPORT FOR SW6020 <br /> W,O. Sample Matrix Solid QC Matrix: Scil BatchlD: 72197 WorkOrder, 1210855 <br /> EPA Method: SW6020 Extraction: GA Title 22 Spiked Sample 10: NIA <br /> Analyte Sample Spiked MS I MSD MS-MSD LCS Acceptance Criteria (910) <br /> rng/L mg/L %Rec. %Rec. %RPD % Rec. MS 1 MSDj RPD LCS <br /> Bariilm N!A 100 NIA N/A NiA 91.7N/A NIA 75-1<� <br /> Zinc NIA �A 100 N, N/A N/A 99.1 N,'A N/A 75-125 <br /> AI I target compounds in the MethodBlLink flFis extraction batch were ND less than die method RL with die following exceptions: <br /> N ONI F <br /> BATCH 72197 SUMMARY <br /> Lab ID Date Sampled Date Extracted pate Analyzed Lab ID Date Sampled Date Extracted Date Analyzed <br /> 0/25/12 11/07/12 11/10/12 3;53 PNI 11210355-OO1A 10/25/12 11/07/12 11/13,'11 1:12 11.M <br /> MS_Moldy Spdmt� MSD=Mstrix Sglka Duplicate;LCS=L <br /> Control Sample;LCSD=Laboratory CaYsol Sampo Dupllc2te;RPD=Relative Percent Deviation, <br /> °�Recovery=100"(M5-&ample)f(Amount Spik RPD=100-(MS- MSD)r ffM$y MSD)12). <br /> MS/MSD spiko recoveries and l or%RP0 may fol e.t,,d.of laboratory acceptance cMeoa due to one or more of the following reasons:a)the sample is InhcmoNnous ANC ccnta!rs <br /> - ant concentrations of analyte relative to the emount spited,or l7)the spiked sample's matrix interferes with the spike racovery. <br /> N/A= 101.appkable to:his method, <br /> .NR=ane! ,a concentration n sam I0 exceeds spit amount for 4n11 malrlx or excaads 2x ike amount for water matrix or sam le dlluted due to hi h matrix or srel to content. <br /> DHS FLAP Certification 1,644 <br /> QA./QC Officer <br />