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�- cwtogual recknics lnc. Page 3 <br /> Interim Remedial Action Plan <br /> Project No.622.2 <br /> March 28,2005 <br /> trends and after the interim remedial action has been in operation for a year to <br /> determine it's effectiveness at mitigating this plume. Once these tasks have been <br /> accomplished a full scale CAP can be developed if needed, in accordance with <br /> County mandates and USTCFP requirements for three remedial alternatives. <br /> In our February 20, 2004 "Additional Site Characterization" report GTI presented a cross <br /> section illustrating the site's Iithology with contaminant concentrations superimposed on the <br /> section. Figure 3: Cross Section B — B' with Contaminant Concentrations shows that a <br /> "core" of high gasoline concentration is present beneath the former UST excavation (see <br /> Figure 2 for cross section location). Based on the lithology and contaminant data GTI <br /> ` divided the aquifer into shallow, intermediate and deep zones to determine contaminant <br /> mass. These zones are shown in Figure 4: Cross Section B — B' with Aquifer Zones. The <br /> cross section has been updated to further refine the Site Conceptual Model (SCM). Figure 5 <br /> `" was developed using the previous B — B' cross sections with the inclusion of the two new <br /> monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6. The groundwater analytical data from the February 17, <br /> 2005 event is transposed on section adjacent to the respective wells. Discrete groundwater <br /> sample data from the December 2003 CPT investigation is also plotted to define the plume <br /> margins. <br /> The plume is shown as having a contaminated core beneath the former UST excavation. A <br /> lobe extends from the core to the right (northeast) that is the predominant down gradient <br /> direction. The depth of the lobe occurs in a sand layer of varying thickness that has been <br /> recorded in the core location and the down gradient location of wells MW-5 and MW-6. The <br /> two new monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6 installed on October 26 - 27, 2004 were <br /> La sampled for the first time on February 27, 2005. The presence of MTBE in these wells- 12 <br /> and 2.2 ug/l, respectively, further refined the site conceptual model in regards to the down <br /> gradient lateral extent of the MTBE plume. <br /> L. <br /> It is noted that the core contaminant concentrations have decreased significantly since Figure <br /> 3 was drawn in 2004. The extraction of 32,250 gallons of groundwater during the dual phase <br /> extraction pilot test completed in December 2004 accounted for some source removal. The <br /> wet winter months could also account for dilution of the core from fresh water infiltration. <br /> But these conditions aside, the MTBE core concentrations are high enough to warrant <br /> remedial action. <br /> In the following sections GTI has proposed a work plan to perform the interim remedial <br /> actions listed in item#1 above. <br />