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diamond Lodi,CA-June 1993 Groundwater Monitoring Page 6 <br /> 7.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS <br /> Monitoring wells SRK-MW1, SRK-MW2 and SRK-MW3 have been sampled during each quarterly <br /> ' sampling event (November 1991, April 1992, August 1992, February 1993, and June 1993). Analytical <br /> results from the .lune 1993 sampling event indicate that organic components of gasoline are absent from the <br /> ' site and that the general trend in remnant contamination by lead is decreasing over time. In review of City <br /> of Lodi data through January 1993 and comparison results for groundwater at the subject property, which <br /> is located to the north of City Supply Well #4 (which is out of service) and some distance east of City <br /> ' Supply Well #2 (which has an average lead level of 1 ppb through January 1993) it is not apparent that the <br /> property is upgradient of any active water supply well. <br /> Further discussion of the significance of the level of lead reported at the subject property is included in <br /> Appendix F, and led us to the conclusion that the most rational action at the site is continued monitoring <br /> ' to qualify the trend of decrease in lead levels. <br /> Copies of the Geologic Logs and Monitoring Well Construction Diagrams are provided in earlier reports <br /> ' of groundwater monitoring and in the report addressing well installation dated 1991. <br /> We have also included in Appendix F lead data for a number of large water supply systems in the USA <br /> with lead levels in excess of 0.015 mg/l. <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> ,1 <br /> 325041WQufy.Lod Steffen Robertson and Kirsten <br />