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2.4 CONFIRMATORY SOIL BORING <br /> To evaluate the effectiveness of the soil vapor extraction system, a soil boring (CS13-1)was advanced <br /> at the location shown on Figure 2. The boring was located within the limits of the former UST <br /> excavation and within 5 feet from boring MW-1 where TPHg concentrations up to 5100 ppm had <br /> previously been detected in subsurface soil samples (SEACOR, 1991). <br /> The confirmatory soil boring was advanced to approximately 1.5 feet below the water table surface <br />' (46.5 feet) using hollow stem auger drilling equipment. During borehole advancement, relatively <br /> undisturbed soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals, beginning at a depth of 5 feet, using a <br /> 18-inch long split-barrel sampler lined with clean brass sample tubes. Upon retrieval, samples were <br /> visually examined for lithologic description and screened for the presence of VOCs with a PID. A <br /> boring log, including a description of soil types encountered and PID screening results, is included <br /> in Appendix B. One brass tube from each sample interval was retained for chemical analysis and <br /> handled in the same manner as described in Section 2.1. A total of 9 soil samples from boring CSB- <br /> 1 were delivered to Superior and analyzed for TPHg and BTEX. <br />' 2.5 EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION AND WASTE CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES <br /> To minimize the potential for cross contamination between drilling and sampling locations, <br /> equipment used for drilling and soil and groundwater sampling were cleaned prior to beginning work <br /> and between each sampling location. Drilling equipment was cleaned using a combination <br /> steam/high pressure washer. Soil and groundwater sampling equipment (e.g., spilt-barrel samplers, <br /> sample tubes, bailers) were cleaned by thoroughly washing in a tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) and <br /> water solution, followed by a potable water and distilled water rinse. <br /> Soil cuttings, development and purge water, and decontamination fluids generated during the field <br /> activities were contained in labeled DOT-approved 55-gallon drums and stored on-site. <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> MARDEE.RPT <br /> 50014-003-01 MD04 7 <br /> 1 <br />