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CAM B R I A Mr Ron Rowe <br /> February 18, 1999 <br /> Soil and Ground Water Investigation: Cambria submitted a workplan for additional <br /> investigation on December 18, 1998 The scope of work included continued purging of existing <br /> well MW-1 This workplan also included installing three onsite wells and five offsite CPT <br /> borings <br /> ANTICIPATED FIRST QUARTER 1999 ACTIVITIES <br /> Ground Water Monitoring: Blaine will gauge and sample well MW-1 and tabulate the data <br /> Cambria will prepare a monitoring report <br /> Soil and Ground Water Investigation. Cambria's December 18, 1998 workplan was approved <br /> by a facsimile from the SJCPHS on January 28, 1999, with a number of conditions As per those <br /> conditions, Equilon has agreed to install an additional ground water monitoring well along the <br /> western property line south of the carwash, and to extend the CPT investigation vertically into a <br /> gravel and sand unit that is known to exist between 45 and 90 feet below the ground surface <br /> Additionally, Cambria submitted a description of pump testing procedures to the SJCPHS on <br /> . February 2, 1999 Cambria will send a borehole and well installation permit application and the <br /> required fees under separate cover <br /> Ground Water Remedwhon• Blaine will continue weekly purging of onsite monitoring well <br /> MW-1 Cambria will compile a table of the number of gallons removed and analytical data <br /> Discussion Since no ethylene dibromide or 1, 2-dichloroethane have been detected, we request <br /> permission to discontinue analyzing for these compounds <br /> �1 <br /> 2 <br />