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. Compliance & Closure, Inc <br /> Groundwater Sampling Protocol <br /> Latest Revision October 1999 <br /> Equipment Cleaning and Decontamination <br /> All water samples are placed in precleaned laboratory-supplied bottles Sample bottles and caps remain sealed <br /> until actual usage at the site All equipment which comes in contact with the well or groundwater is thoroughly <br /> cleaned with tnsodium phosphate (TSP) solution and rinsed with deionized or distilled water before each use at <br /> the site This cleaning procedure is followed between each well sampled Wells are sampled in approximate <br /> order of increasing contamination If a Teflon cord is used, the cord is cleaned If a nylon or cotton cord is <br /> used, a new cord is used in each well All equipment blanks are collected prior to sampling The blanks are <br /> analyzed periodically to ensure proper cleaning procedures are used <br /> Water Level Measurements <br /> Depth to groundwater is measured in each well using a sealed sampling tape or scaled electric sounder prior to <br /> purging or sampling If the well is known or suspected of containing free-phase petroleum hydrocarbons, an <br /> optical interface probe is used to measure the hydrocarbon thickness and groundwater level Measurements are <br /> collected and recorded to the nearest 0 OI foot Each monitoring well's total depth will be measured, this will <br /> allow a relative judgment of well siltation to be made and need for redevelopment <br /> Bader Sheen Check <br /> If no measurable free-phase petroleum hydrocarbons are detected, a clear acrylic bailer is used to determine the <br /> presence of a sheen Any observed film, as well as odor and color of the water is recorded <br /> Groundwater Sampling <br /> Prior to groundwater sampling, each well is purged of"standing" groundwater Either a bailer, hand pump, or <br /> submersible pump is used to purge the well The amount of purging is dependent on the well yield In a high <br /> yield formation, samples will be collected when normal field measurement, including temperature, pH, and <br /> specific conductance stabilize, provided a minimum of three well-casing volumes of water have been removed <br /> Field measurements will be taken after purging each well volume Physical parameter measurements <br />• (temperature, pH, and specific conductance) are closely monitored throughout the well purging process and are <br />