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. Monitoring Well Installation Report <br /> Quik Stop No 121 <br /> Page 5 <br /> Before groundwater sampling, CCI measured the depth to groundwater using an electronic sounding <br /> tape and field-checked the wells for the presence of free-floating product by collecting a sample in <br /> a clear acrylic bailer Free-floating product was not observed Each well was purged of stagnant <br /> water prior to collection of a sample Normal field measurements, including pH, conductivity, and <br /> water temperature were periodically recorded during the purging process A sample was collected <br /> when these parameters stabilized to within 10% of each other At least three well casing volumes <br /> of groundwater were purged from each well before sampling Samples were (a) collected with a <br /> clean Teflon bailer, (b)transferred to appropriate laboratory-supplied bottles, (c) labeled, (d) logged <br /> on a chain-of-custody form, and(e) placed in a chilled ice chest for transportation to a state-certified <br /> laboratory Appendix B contains CCI's Groundwater Sampling Protocol <br /> Subsurface Conditions <br /> CCI explored subsurface soils to depths of 25 feet at the three well locations In general, the upper <br /> 6 to 9 feet of soil encountered at the subject site consisted of brown to orange-brown, silty sand <br /> Below 9 feet, the subsurface soils became more granular, consisting of a orange-brown, fine-to- <br /> medium grain sand This sand horizon extended to depths of 18 to 20 feet on the north side of the <br /> site, at well locations MW-1 and MW-2 The one exception was at MW-3, located on the south side <br /> of the site, which was found to have light grey to grey-brown, silty clay at depths of 14 to 17 feet <br /> Below 22 feet and extending to a depth of 25 feet at all three monitoring well locations, a stiff grey- <br /> brown silty clay was encountered Each boring was terminated in this clay lense <br /> During the collection of samples, no unusual odors were noted at any of the three well locations <br /> Organic vapor readings taken on soil samples collected from the three wells registered no detectable <br /> vapor readings As previously mentioned, groundwater was generally encountered at a depth of <br /> approximately 14 to 15 feet at well locations MW-1 and MW-2 Groundwater at MW-3 was <br /> encountered at approximately 18 feet under confined conditions and immediately rose to <br /> approximately 15 feet Static water levels in the three wells were measured on April 30, 1999 at <br /> approximately 14 feet below the groundsurface Copies of the boring logs are attached in Appendix <br /> A <br /> SURVEYING <br /> A licensed land surveyor was retained to survey the monitoring wells accurately and to determine <br /> the elevation of each well casing The survey ensures accuracy so that the plot plans will portray the <br /> data in a manner useful for determining groundwater flow direction The survey included both <br /> horizontal and vertical measurements The survey was conducted using modern surveying <br /> equipment and methods so that accuracy is maintained Elevation readings were measured to the <br /> • <br />