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Monitoring Well Installation Report <br /> Quik Stop No 121 <br /> Page 7 <br /> horizon becomes more granular, consisting of sand to approximately 19 feet, with the exception of <br /> a three foot clay lense between 14 and 17 feet in MW-3 (see cross-section Figure 3) Between 17 <br /> and 22 feet, a sandy silt to silt was encountered, followed by a silty clay between 22 and 25 feet <br /> Groundwater was encountered at approximately 15 to 18 feet during the course of the investigation <br /> CCI submitted a total of 9 soil samples for analysis of petroleum hydrocarbons The laboratory <br /> reported all 9 soil samples to be free of detectable TPHg and BTEX compounds The 9 soil samples <br /> were reported to contain detectable concentrations of MTBE, as high as 88 ug/kg The MTBE <br /> contamination was detected throughout the soil column in the three wells, from a depth of 5 feet in <br /> MW-2 to 20 feet in both MW-1 and MW-3 <br /> Laboratory analyses of groundwater samples collected from a total of three on-site wells were <br /> reported to have low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons but no detectable concentrations of any fuel <br /> oxygenates During the sampling of the monitoring wells(MW-1,MW-2 and MW-3), no petroleum <br /> odors were noted in the purge water Groundwater measurements taken in the three monitoring wells <br /> on April 3 0, 1999 indicated that depth-to-water ranged from approximately 13 24 to 14 02 feet below <br /> the top of the well casings Groundwater contours indicated the groundwater surface to be <br /> essentially flat, with a very slight gradient to the northeast, at an approximate gradient of 0 01 <br /> feet/foot(Figure 4) The difference in water elevation among the three wells is only 2 tenth of a foot <br /> Using the water level measurements from the well development on April 26, 1999 also produces a <br /> very flat groundwater gradient to the northeast <br /> Conclusion and Recommendation <br /> Based on the laboratory data collected during the investigation, it appears the groundwater has been <br /> slightly impacted with low levels of petroluem hydrocarbons at the subject site No fuel oxygenates <br /> were detected in the samples from the three wells With a relativley flat groundwater gradient at the <br /> subject site,the low levels of groundwater contamination detected in the three wells appears to be <br /> localized It appears that a majority of the soil and groundwater contamination discovered during <br /> the removal of the fuel tanks in March 1998 have substantially dissipated over time <br /> CCI recommends that quarterly groundwater monitoring be initiated at the site to monitor <br /> groundwater contaminant levels at the site and to monitor the groundwater flow direction over time <br /> No further investigation is recommended at this time <br /> Reporting Requirements <br /> Quik Stop Markets should forward a copy of this report to the following agency in a timely manner <br />