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ER1 205503 R01 Unocal Smicc Station 5886 Stockton California lune 3 1997 <br /> performed under the guidance of an ERI geologist who collected soil samples from the borings during <br /> drilling Soil samples were collected at approximately 5-foot intervals and dust above first- <br /> encountered groundwater <br /> ERI'S geologist identified the soil samples collected from borings B4 through B7 using visual and <br /> manual methods, and classified the samples using the Unified Soil Classification Systems (Appendix <br /> D) Descriptions of the materials encountered in these borings are presented in the Logs of Borings <br /> (Appendix D) <br /> Soil borings B4 through B7 were drilled to approximately 25 to 28 feet bgs Cuttings generated <br /> during drilling were stockpiled on site and covered with plastic sheeting pending appropriate disposal <br /> Manley and Sons Trucking of Sacramento, California transported the cuttings at the site to Forward <br /> Landfill of Manteca, California for disposal Disposal documentation is attached (Appendix E) <br /> 34 Monitoring Well Construction, Development, Sampling., and Surveying <br /> Woodward constructed duel completion monitoring wells MW4S through MW7S and MW4D through <br /> MW7D in borings B4 through B7, respectively Mr Ron Rowe of SJCPHS was on site during <br /> construction of dual completion wells MW4 and MW5 Details of the monitoring well construction <br /> are shown on the Logs of Borings (Appendix D) <br /> On April 25, 1997, an ERT technician developed wells MW4S through MW7S and MW4D through <br /> MW7D using surging and pumping techniques ERI contracted Ron Archer Civil Engineering, Inc <br /> of Pleasanton, California (a licensed surveyor) to survey the wells and provide the location and <br /> elevation of each wellhead relative to mean sea level <br /> On May 2, 1997, MPDS measured depth to water (DTW) and collected and submitted groundwater <br /> samples from the newly installed and existing wells during second quarter 1997 groundwater <br /> monitoring <br /> . 4 <br />