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• ERI 205513 QS6 Tosco 76 Service Station 5886, Stockton Californta October 30, 1998 <br /> borings Work also included associated well development and sampling, and analyses of soil and <br /> groundwater samples The data obtained during the investigation indicated the following <br /> • Residual hydrocarbons were not detected at or above the stated laboratory method detection <br /> limits in soil samples collected from adjacent to three on-site catch basins located near the <br /> pump islands (see Plate 2) except for maximum concentrations of 3 3 milligrams per kilogram <br /> (mg/Kg) TPPHg, 8 4 mg/Kg total extractable petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TEPHd), and <br /> 12 mg/Kg MTBE <br /> • Residual hydrocarbons in soil appear to have been delineated beneath the site <br /> • Groundwater was encountered at approximately 9 to 14 ft bgs During May 1997, static <br /> groundwater elevations in the groundwater monitoring wells ranged from approximately 6 to <br /> 9 5 ft bgs and the groundwater gradient was towards the southwest at a hydraulic gradient of <br /> 0 002 Groundwater elevations were essentially the same in the shallow and deep wells, <br /> indicating hydraulic communication between the two depths <br /> • The lateral and vertical extent of TPPHg and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene <br /> (BTEX) appear to have been delineated beneath the site Concentrations of MTBE were <br /> delineated in each direction except towards the south and southwest based on the initial <br /> sampling of wells MW4SID through MW7S/D <br /> . Based on the results of the investigation ERI submitted a Work Plan which included 1) obtaining <br /> and reviewing available MTBE data from previous investigations, 2) performing t«o additional <br /> groundwater monitoring and sampling events and Interpreting the data to further eN aluate the extent of <br /> dissolved MTBE in groundwater and select additional well locations (if necessary) 3) drilling three <br /> soil borings adjacent to former catch basins, 4) obtaining appropriate permit(s) and access <br /> agreement(s), drilling off-site soil boring(s), collecting soil samples, constructing groundwater <br /> monitoring well(s), developing and purging the new well(s), collecting groundwater samples, <br /> analyzing selected soil and groundwater samples, and 5) preparing a report <br /> The County response to the work plan requested Tosco complete the following 1) perform a detailed <br /> site assessment to evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of MTBE in groundwater and whether these <br /> compounds have migrated off-site, and in addition, analyze groundwater samples for the seven <br /> oxygenated compounds identified in the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Central <br /> Valley Region (Regional Board) document dated July 18, 1997, 2) perform a conduit study and well <br /> survey to Identify underground facilities that may provide potential preferential groundwater flow and <br /> constituent migration, 3) characterize hydrogeology beneath and in the vicinity of the site, and 4) <br /> identify the source(s) of MTBE detected in groundwater beneath the site and the approximate time <br /> frame of MTBE/additives release and history <br /> At the request of Tosco, ERI submitted the Work Plan addendum (dated August 8, 1997) The <br /> addendum addressed the directive for a full dimensional definition and investigation of soil and <br /> groundwater beneath and in the vicinity of the site and submittal of a Soil and Water Investigation <br /> Report To date, Tosco has not received a response and/or approval of the Work Plan addendum <br /> from the County <br /> 2 <br />