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ERI 205505 ROI Tosco Service Station 5886,Stockton Califorma December 28, 1999 <br /> Currently there are three on-site single-casing groundwater monitoring wells (MW1 through MW3), <br /> four on-site dual-casing groundwater monitoring wells (MW4S/D through MW7S/D), and nine off-site <br /> groundwater monitoring wells (MWBS/I/D through MW 10S/IID) consisting of three wells at each <br /> nested well location as shown on Plate 2 The boring Iogs and well designs for wells MW1 through <br /> MW IOS/IID are provided in Appendix A The purpose of these wells is to evaluate the lateral and <br /> ' vertical extent of dissolved hydrocarbons detected in groundwater beneath the site <br /> Based upon data collected during ongoing quarterly groundwater monitoring and sampling, dissolved <br /> hydrocarbons are effectively delineated both laterally and vertically in the vicinity of the site <br /> 1 However, dissolved hydrocarbons continue to be detected in groundwater beneath the site and are <br /> concentrated in the vicinity of the UST cavity (Plate 2) Cumulative groundwater monitoring and <br /> sampling data are provided in Appendix B (Gettler-Ryan, Inc , September 22, 1999) <br /> ' 222 Regional Settmg <br /> ' The site is located within the northern San Joaquin Valley, which comprises the southern portion of the <br /> Central Valley geomorphic province of California The Sacramento Valley comprises the northern <br /> portion of the Central Valley The Central Valley is bounded by the Coast Ranges to the west and the <br /> Sierra Nevada Range to the east, and measures approximately 400 miles (northwest to southeast) by <br /> approximately 50 miles wide (Norris and Webb, 1990) <br /> The Central Valley consists of an asymmetrical syncline with the fold axis located towards the western <br /> portion of the valley and formed by sediment deposition and downwarp within the basin The lithology <br /> of the Central Valley consists of Mesozoic basement granitic and metamophic rock overlain by <br /> Cretaceous marine sedimentary rock of the Panoche Formation The Panoche Formation is overlain by <br /> ' a thick sequence of older Tertiary marine and then younger Tertiary non-marine sedimentary rock <br /> The surface of the valley is overlain by Quaternary unconsolidated sedimentary deposits, which <br /> ' originated from the erosion of the surrounding highlands and subsequent deposition within the basin <br /> (Bartow, 1985, and Norris and Webb, 1990) <br /> The Central Valley drains the interior of California through the Sacramento River drainage in the north <br /> and San Joaquin River drainage in the south Combined, these rivers account fora pproximately 40 <br /> 4 <br />