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Environmental Health DepartmentCorrective Action StatementRE: March 09, 2020, Hazardous Materials inspection reportFor each violation listed below, indicate if the violation has been corrected or will be corrected by a certain date.Also, describe what was done to correct the violation in the space provided below each violation. Submit thiscompleted form with the Return to Compliance Certification within 30 days of inspection. If you have any questions,please contact Paul Nso at (209)468-3432or ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTATTN: PAUL NSO1868 E HAZELTON AVENUESTOCKTON, CA 95205Facility name:Facility address:CERS ID:Submit completed form to:GEORGES BP MINI MART1018213718662 N HWY 88PR0520371Violation #6 - Failed to complete and/or submit a site map with all required content.This violation was correctedThis violation will be corrected by (date): Supporting documents includedDescribe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation:Violation #7 - Failed to establish and/or submit emergency response procedures for a release or threatened release.This violation was correctedThis violation will be corrected by (date): Supporting documents includedDescribe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation:Page 2 of 2Rev. 8/27/20191868 E. Hazelton Avenue | Stockton, California 95205 | T 209 468-3420 | F 209 464-0138 |