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SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br />ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT <br />1868 East Hazelton Avenue, Stockton, California 95205-6232 <br />Telephone: (209) 468-3420 Fax: (209) 468-3433 Web: <br />HAZARDOUS WASTE PROGRAM INSPECTION REPORT CONTINUED <br />Facility Miracle Mile D Cleaners Fatality 82 W Castle Street, Stockton Inspection Oct 16 2013 <br />Name: Dry Address: Date: <br />VIOLATIONS <br /># <br />C1 <br />C2 <br />M <br />I Code Section <br />HSC = California Health and Safety Code; CCR = Califomia Code of Regulations <br />C1 = Class 1 violation; C2 = Class 2 violation; M = Minor violation <br />Treatment, Transport and Disposal (continued) <br />202 HSC 25160.2(c)(2) Offered ineligible waste streams to be transported using consolidated manifest <br />203 HSC 25163(a) Transported hazardous waste or transferred HW to a transporter without valid registration <br />204 HSC 25189.5(a) Disposed or caused disposal of HW at an unauthorized point (Class I Violation) <br />205 HSC 25189.5(d)/25201 (a) Illegally treated a hazardous waste <br />206 HSC 25189.5(c) Transported or caused transportation of HW to an unauthorized point [CCR 66263.23(b)] <br />207 HSC 25189.6 Illegal storage, disposal, treatment, transportation or handling of hazardous waste which causes unreasonable <br />risk of fire, explosion, serious injury, or death Class I Violation <br />208 HSC 25189.7(a) Burned or incinerated hazardous waste at an unauthorized facility (Class I Violation) <br />209 HSC 25201(a) Illegally stored offsite hazardous waste (Class I Violation) <br />210 HSC 25217.1 Liquid latex paint was disposed of, or attempted to be disposed of, to land or water <br />211 HSC 25250.7(a) Contaminated used oil with other hazardous waste <br />212 HSC 25250.23 Transported used oil and not registered as a hazardous waste hauler <br />213 CCR 66263.17(a) Transported HW without receiving ID Number and registration cert from DTSC <br />Preparedness and Prevention <br />301 CCR 66265.31 Facility not maintained to minimize the release of a hazardous waste <br />302 CCR 66265.32(a) Internal communication or alarm system not provided <br />303 CCR 66265.32(b) A device capable of calling outside emergency help not provided <br />304 CCR 66265.32(c) Spill control equipment, and/or decontamination equipment not provided <br />305 CCR 66265.33 Failed to maintain all communication or alarm systems, spill control, or decontamination equipment <br />306 CCR 66265.34 No immediate access to emergency communication or alarm system during HW handling <br />Container Management <br />401 CCR 66265.17 Failed to manage incompatible waste in containers properly <br />402 CCR 66265.171 Failed to remove waste stored in a damaged or leaking container. <br />403 CCR 66265.172 Failed to store HW in a container compatible with the waste. <br />404 CCR 66265.173(a) Failed to keep containers of HW closed except when adding or removing HW <br />405 CCR 66265.174 Failed to inspect HW containers at least weekly <br />406 CCR 66265.176 Failed to store ignitable or reactive waste containers at least 50 feet from the property line <br />407 CCR 66261.7(f) An empty HW or Haz Mat container (larger than 5 gallons) was not marked with the date it was emptied <br />and/or not managed within one year of being emptied <br />408 CCR 66262.34(e)(1)(A) Satellite accumulation container not located at or near the point or generation or under the control of the <br />operator <br />409 CCR 66262.34(e)(2) Satellite accumulation exceeded 55 gallons of HW or one quart of acutely HW per waste stream <br />Tank Management <br />501 CCR 66265.193 Failed to provide secondary containment for HW tank <br />502 CCR 66265.194 Failed to prevent (a) storage of HW that is incompatible with the tank; (b) overfilling HW tank <br />503 CCR 66265.195(a) Failed to conduct daily inspections of HW tank <br />504 CCR 66265.195(b) Failed to inspect HW tank cathodic protection system <br />505 CCR 66265.196 Failed to immediately remove tank/secondary containment system that had leaked or spilled <br />506 CCR 66265.197 Tank dosure, failed to remove/decon all waste and manage them as HW <br />507 CCR 66265.198 Failed to manage ignitable or reactive waste properly <br />508 JCCR 66265.199 Failed to manage incompatible wastes in tanks properly <br />Labeling and Storage <br />601 <br />CCR 66262.34(a) <br />Stored hazardous waste on site longer than 90 days without a permit or authorization (RCRA Class 1 <br />Violation <br />602 <br />CCR 66262.34(e)(1)(B) <br />Stored satellite accumulated waste on site longer than one year after first drop or longer than 90 days from <br />filled date RCRA Class I Violation without authorization <br />603 <br />CCR 66262.34(e)(1)(C) <br />Failed to mark initial accumulation start date on satellite containers <br />604 <br />CCR 66262.34(e)(3) <br />Failed to mark satellite containers with date filled within three days of reaching the applicable quantity <br />limitations <br />605 <br />X <br />CCR 66262.34(f) <br />Failed to completely label containers or tanks of hazardous waste <br />By: r /1 4 I True: <br />Garrett Backus (209) 468-2986 <br />EHD 22-02 Rev 04/19/12 V I Page R1 HW INSPECTION REPORT <br />