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11. Please include a copy of any studies ( soils , geology, marketing, <br /> etc. ) that you may have had prepared for this project or project <br /> site . <br /> C. PROJECT CHARACTERISTICS <br /> 1. Services: Indicate how the following services will be provided <br /> for your project and availability of service. <br /> a . Water Supply: \t,,ANA 1 <br /> b. Sewage Disposal: SSG T � <br /> C . Storm Drainage: =2C�1-f4tt�� <br /> If an extension of any of the above is necessary, indicate <br /> which service( s ) , what agency will be providing the <br /> service( s ) , and the distance of the extension( s ) : <br /> d. Natural Gas : �. <br /> e . Electricity: <br /> f . Road/Access ( i .e . , paved, unpaved, public/private, road name ) : <br /> g . Fire: Cl_C-MC .` Distance to nearest fire station: <br /> h . Schools: <br /> 2 . Describe any site alterations which result from the proposed .pro- <br /> ject ( specifically address the amount and location of grading, <br /> cuts and fills, vegetation removal, alterations to drainage, <br /> removal of existing structures, number of trees removed, etc. ) . <br /> 3 . Air Quality Information: <br /> Number and type of vehicles associated w' th comple.,ted project <br /> J <br /> Types of emissions and sources associated with project <br /> Fuel sources (and amounts ) to be consumed by or as a result of the <br /> completed project <br /> Will the project result in subs antial air emissions or deteriora- <br /> tion of ambient air quality? �NO YES <br /> 4 . How much agricultural land will be removed from production? <br /> »Q F-7E <br /> Irrigated Not irrigated <br /> Minor Subdivision - 9 - ( 6/86 ) <br />