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LFR Inc. <br /> LIMITATIONS <br /> The opinions and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the scope of <br /> services, information obtained through the performance of the services, and the <br /> schedule as agreed upon by LFR and the party for whom this report was originally <br /> prepared. This report is an instrument of professional service and was prepared in <br /> accordance with the generally accepted standards and level of skill and care under <br /> similar conditions and circumstances established by the environmental consulting <br /> industry. No representation, warranty, or guarantee, expressed or implied, is intended <br /> or given. To the extent that LFR relied upon any information prepared by other parties <br /> not under contract to LFR, LFR makes no representation as to the accuracy or <br /> completeness of such information. This report is expressly for the sole and exclusive <br /> use of the party for whom this report was originally prepared for a particular purpose. <br /> Only the party for whom this report was originally prepared and/or other specifically <br /> named parties have the right to make use of and rely upon this report. Reuse of this <br /> report or any portion thereof for other than its intended purpose, or if modified, or if <br /> used by third parties, shall be at the user's sole risk. <br /> Results of any investigations or testing and any findings presented in this report apply <br /> solely to conditions existing at the time when LFR's investigative work was performed. <br /> It must be recognized that any such investigative or testing activities are inherently <br /> limited and do riot represent a conclusive or complete characterization. Conditions in <br /> other parts of the project site may vary from those at the locations where data were <br /> collected. LFR's ability to interpret investigation results is related to the availability of <br /> the data and the extent of the investigation activities. As such, 100% confidence in <br /> environmental investigation conclusions cannot reasonably be achieved. <br /> LFR, therefore, does not provide any guarantees, certifications, or warranties <br /> regarding any conclusions regarding environmental contamination of any such <br /> property. Furthermore, nothing contained in this document shall relieve any other <br /> party of its responsibility to abide by contract documents and applicable laws, codes, <br /> regulations, or standards. <br /> Page 5 <br /> wpStock[on-2009 B_C Zone Well InstallFINAL.doc <br />