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Based on previous investigations, the aquifer beneath the site appears to be unconfined with both fine <br /> and coarse-grained layers separating the shallow and deep monitoring wells. The horizontal groundwater <br /> gradient is relatively flat ranging from 0.002 to 0.03. The groundwater flow direction is generally <br /> southwesterly. Upward and downward vertical gradients have been observed between shallow well MW- <br /> 26 and deep well DW-2. The depth to groundwater generally ranges from 10 to 15 fbg. Aquifer testing <br /> at well MW-20 indicates that hydraulic conductivities range from 1 to 3 feet per day within shallow <br /> groundwater,but this location contains more sandy strata than most other portions of the facility. <br /> Previous Work <br /> 1985 and 1986 Well Installations: Wells MW-1 through MW-12 were installed during July 1985 and <br /> wells MW-13 through MW-22 were installed during April 1986. Wells MW-1 through MW-19 were <br /> installed as part of Shell's internal program to monitor groundwater near plant facilities. Wells MW-20 <br /> through MW-22 were installed to monitor groundwater downgradient of a separate-phase plume <br /> identified as well MW-1. No information could be found regarding the installation of well MW-23. <br /> 1993 Plume Characterization Investigation: Three phases of hydropunch plume assessment activities <br /> were performed during February and September 1993 (Harding Lawson Associates, October 15, 1993). <br /> The scope of work included 54 hydropunch borings, the installation of four shallow zone groundwater <br /> monitoring wells (MW-24 through MW-27), and the installation of one deep zone well (DW-1). The <br /> groundwater analytical results were adequate to delineate the extent of the plume to the south and east. <br /> However, the extent to the west and southwest was not defined. Hydrocarbon-impacted groundwater on <br /> the former Navy property west and southwest of the Shell Terminal maybe a result of another potential <br /> source. The former Nary IR Site 4 was thought to be this source. <br /> 1994 Site Investigation: During July 1994, PEG investigated the horizontal extent of petroleum <br /> constituents in soil and groundwater near secondary source areas (SSAs) 1 through 3. Soil, vapor, and <br /> groundwater samples were collected from 19 sample points (GP-1 through GP-19) located on and offsite <br /> (PEG, August 1994). Based on the investigation results, well MW-28 was proposed downgradient of <br /> SSA-3 located approximately 300 feet southwest of well MW-27. Additionally, further investigation was <br /> proposed east of SSA-1. <br /> During December 1994, PEG investigated the horizontal extent of petroleum constituents in soil and <br /> groundwater near SSA-1 (PEG, August 1994). Soil, vapor, and groundwater samples were collected <br /> from 7 sample points (GP-20 through GP-26) located offsite. Based on the investigation results, well <br /> MW-29 was proposed east of SSA-1 located approximately 50 feet east-southeast of well MW-11. <br /> 1729 2 <br />