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u <br /> S SIERRA <br /> SES STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE <br /> LOGGING METHOD <br /> Unconsolidated soil is classified and described by trained SES field personnel All available <br /> information is used, including the following soil recovered in the sampler, including the soil <br /> visible on both ends of the sample retained for possible analysis, soil cuttings generated during <br /> drilling, and the drilling contractors observations of the drill rig s behavior <br /> Classification and description of unconsolidated soil is accomplished using the American <br /> Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Methods D2487-85 (Unified Soil Classification System <br /> (USCS)) and/or D2488-69 (Description and identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)) <br /> The soil classification and description is recorded on the field log sheet by SES field <br /> personnel and includes the following information <br /> 1] Soil type, <br /> 2) Soil classification, <br /> 3) Soil color, including mottling, <br /> 4) Moisture content, <br /> 5) Plasticity and consistency(fine-grained material)or density(coarse-grained <br /> material), <br /> 6) Percentages of clay, silt, sand and gravel, <br /> 7) Grain sue range of sands and gravels, <br /> 8) Angularity and largest diameter of gravel component, <br /> 9) Estimated permeability, <br /> 10) Odor, and <br /> 11) Any other observations which would assist in the interpretation of the <br /> depositional environment and/or differentiation between the various <br /> geologic units expected to be encountered <br /> In addition to the above, the ground water levels encountered during drilling and measured <br /> after the water stabilized is also recorded on the field log <br /> LAGGING SOP <br />