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SA N s J 0 A Q U I N Environmental Health Department <br /> - COUN'rY— <br /> Mobile Food Facility Official Inspection Report <br /> Facility Name and Address: TACOS MANZANILLO#7V66380, 730 S CALIFORNIA ST, STOCKTON 95203 <br /> #44 Premises: Clean/Litter Free; Vermin-Proof <br /> OBSERVATIONS:Window in front of refrigerator is broken. It shall be replaced, immediately(repeat). <br /> Two window screens are lacking. The other window screen is not attached to pexiglass. Provide screens today and all shall <br /> be attached to pexiglass. <br /> CALCODE DESCRIPTION: The premises of each food facility shall be kept clean and free of litter and rubbish all clean and soiled linen <br /> shall be properly stored non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces the facility shall be <br /> kept vermin proof. (114067(j), 114123, 114143(a) &(b), 114256, 114256.1, 114256.2, 114256.4, 114257, 114257.1, 114259, 114259.2, <br /> 114259.3, 114279, 114281, 114282) <br /> #45 Floors,Walls, Ceilings; Clean and Maintained <br /> OBSERVATIONS: Floor has holes were old seat used to be. Cover by 2 weeks. <br /> CALCODE DESCRIPTION: The walls/ceilings shall have durable, smooth, nonabsorbent, light-colored, and washable surfaces. All floor <br /> surfaces, other than the customer service areas, shall be approved, smooth, durable and made of nonabsorbent material that is easily <br /> cleanable. Approved base coving shall be provided in all areas, except customer service areas and where food is stored in original <br /> unopened containers. Food facilities shall be fully enclosed. All food facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. (114143(d), <br /> 114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272) <br /> #64 Lack of Proper Owner Identification <br /> OBSERVATIONS: Both sides of vehicle lack owner's name. Provide by 1 week(repeat). <br /> CALCODE DESCRIPTION: 1. The business name or the name of the operator, city state and ZIP code, and the name of the permittee if <br /> different from the business name is not clearly visible on the customer side of the mobile food facility.[§I14299(a)] 2. Business or <br /> operator name is not at least 3 inches high and address is not one inch high.[§I 14299(b)] 3. Sign is not in contrasting color with the <br /> vehicle exterior.[§114299(b)] 4. For a motorized vehicle and a mobile support unit, the sign is not present on both sides of vehicle. <br /> [§114299(c)] <br /> OVERALL INSPECTION NOTES AND COMMENTS <br /> OBSERVATIONS <br /> Name on Food Safety Certificate: expired Expiration Date: <br /> Warewash Chlorine(CI): 100 ppm Heat: OF Water/Hot Water Ware Sink Temp: 121 OF <br /> Quaternary Ammonia(QA): ppm Hand Sink Temp: 110°F <br /> FOOD ITEM --LOCATION --TEMP°F--COMMENTS <br /> refrigerator--44.00°F steam table-- 108.00°F <br /> NOTE <br /> ok to issue permit for 2018 <br /> FA0022930 PR0540103 SCO01 10/31/2017 <br /> EHD 16-23 Rev.06/30/15 Page 2 of 3 Mobile Food Facility OIR <br /> 1868 E. Hazelton Avenue I Stockton, California 95205 1 T 209 468-3420 1 F 209 464-0138 1 <br />