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I. INTRODUCTION <br />' Former Exxon Retail Site (RS) 7-3942 is a vacant site located at 4444 North Pershing Avenue, <br /> Stockton, California, on the southeast corner of the intersection of North Pershing Avenue and <br /> Rosemarie Lane Three grades of gasoline and used oil were stored in four underground storage <br />' tanks, which were removed in July 1986 <br />' A Shell service station and a 7-11 food and gasoline service store are located on the southwest <br /> and northwest corners, respectively, of the intersection of North Pershing Avenue and Rosemarie <br /> Lane Previous laboratory analyses have consistently identified TPH-g and BTEX in <br />' groundwater samples collected from MW8 and MW9, which are located adjacent to the Shell site <br /> and the 7-11 site, upgradient and crossgradient of former Exxon RS 7-3942 <br />' On 13 February 1996, groundwater was purged and sampled from nine monitoring wells <br /> (MW I—MW4, MW8—MW 10, MW 12, and MW 13), four recovery wells (RW 1, RW2, RW3, and <br /> RW4), two piezometers (P1 and P2), one soil vapor extraction well (V3), and one injection well <br />' (IW I) Monitoring wells MW5, MW6, and MW7 and vapor extraction well VI were not <br /> sampled on 13 February, as there was not enough water to make well purging possible <br /> Figure I shows the locations of all wells on and off the site, except MW 11, and the locations of <br />' former site facilities Figure 2 shows the vicinity of former Exxon RS 7-3942 and the locations <br /> of all offsite wells <br /> 2. SUMMARY OF RESULTS <br />' On 13 February, wells were monitored for the presence of liquid-phase hydrocarbons, using an <br /> optical interface probe A sheen was seen on the water in wells V2 and V4 The depths to water <br /> ranged from 22 15 feet to 27 85 feet below ground surface Groundwater elevations ranged from <br />' -14 37 ft msl (below mean sea level) in MW8 to -18 36 ft msl (MW 13) The approximate <br /> groundwater flow direction on 13 February was to the northeast, with a gradient of approximately <br />' 0 007 (Figure 3), which is consistent with previous groundwater monitoring data for the site <br /> Groundwater elevations have increased approximately 2 5 feet since the previous quarter <br /> Groundwater elevations on 13 February are presented in boldface type in Table 1, along with <br />' previous data, and are shown in Figure 3 Field documents are included as Appendix A <br /> After the depths to water were measured, the wells (MW 1—MW4, MW8—MW I0, MW 12, <br />' MW 13, RW 1—RW4, P1, P2, IW 1, and V3) were purged by vacuum truck and sampled V2 and <br /> V4 were not sampled, because of the sheen At least three well casing volumes of purge water <br /> were removed from each well After purging, groundwater samples were collected with factory- <br /> cleaned disposable polyethylene bailers Groundwater samples were collected in 40-m1 VOA <br /> vials The vials were labeled and stored in an ice-filled cooler and transported under chain of <br /> custody The groundwater samples, a field-prepared rinse blank, and a laboratory-prepared trip <br />' blank were submitted to Sequoia Analytical, where they were analyzed for Total Petroleum <br /> Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by California DHS-modified EPA Method 8015 and for <br /> benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020 The samples from <br /> RW3 and V3 were also analyzed for methyl t-butyl ether(MTBE) by EPA Method 8020 <br />' WP61 73942Q296 4 1 <br />