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On 11 December 1992, passive skimmers were installed in wells RW3 and VI to recover <br /> liquid-phase hydrocarbons (LPH) The skimmers were checked for LPH on 18 May 1993, but <br /> no LPH was found in either of the skimmers or in any of the monitoring wells <br /> A Shell service station and a 7-11 store that dispense gasoline are located, respectively, on the <br />' southwest and northwest corners of the intersection of North Pershing Avenue and Rosemarie <br /> Lane Soil and groundwater investigations have been conducted at the Shell site, which is <br />' upgradient of former Exxon RS 7-3942 <br />' 3. CURRENT FIELD INVESTIGATION <br /> Groundwater monitoring well MW13 was installed approximately 300 feet northeast of former <br />' Exxon RS 7-3942, in the parking lot of the Chateau Convalescent Hospital (MW13, Figure 2) <br /> Two air-sparging wells were installed at the northern corner of the former tank field and the <br /> site itself where vapor extraction will be focused (SW1, SW2, Figure 2) to enhance the <br /> removal of dissolved and entrapped petroleum hydrocarbons from the groundwater and the <br /> soil beneath static water. On 18 May 1993, the wells were monitored for the presence of <br /> hquid-phase hydrocarbons, and groundwater samples were collected from I 1 wells <br />' 3.1 MONITORING WELL <br /> Groundwater monitoring well MW13 was drilled to better define and monitor the <br /> downgradient extent of dissolved petroleum hydrocarbons The borehole was drilled using a <br /> truck-mounted rotary drill and 10-inch outside-diameter hollow-stem augers The borehole <br />' was drilled 45 feet below ground surface (see the soil boring log, Appendix A) The borehole <br /> was completed as a groundwater monitoring well by installing 4-inch Schedule 40 PVC. The <br /> screened casing is 20 feet long and has 0 020-inch slots The bottom of the screen was <br />' placed 44 5 feet below ground surface The annular space around the screen was filled with <br /> #3 Monterey sand from below the casing to 15 feet above the top of the screen The sand <br /> filter pack was sealed with 1 foot of bentonite pellets which were hydrated, and the remaining <br />' space was filled to the surface with a cement-bentonite grout The well head was secured <br /> with a watertight steel monitoring well cover <br />' Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals for soil classification and field screening for <br /> hydrocarbon content with an OVA Samples were labeled and placed in an ice-filled cooler <br />' Selected samples were sent to Pace Incorporated, where they were analyzed for Total <br /> Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by Cal EPA-modified EPA Method 8015 and <br /> for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) by EPA Method 8020 <br />' The well was located and the elevation of the top of casing was surveyed relative to <br /> monitoring well RW4 Well MW 13 was developed and purged, and groundwater samples <br />' were collected from it when the groundwater samples were collected from the other wells <br /> during the regular quarterly sampling on 18 May <br /> 8373942(2yRO1693lrX 3 2 <br />