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The data for the potential evotranspiration water was obtained from the California Irrigation <br /> Management Information System (CIMIS). The project is located within an area designated as <br /> Zone 12. Based on the values for this area along with the average monthly precipitation values <br /> obtained from the Western regional Climate Center for the Lodi region an estimate of the deep <br /> percolation of rain for the project was determined. Station 70 in Manteca had the most similar <br /> weather and soil conditions to our project site. <br /> The results for the deep percolation at the site were 2.65 in./year. The nitrate concentration is <br /> estimated to be about 1 mg/L-N. (Hantzche and Finnemore, 1992). <br /> 5.3 Description of all current on-site sources of nitrate to soil and groundwater and the <br /> contribution of nitrate load from these sources to the project site: The only source of nitrates <br /> originate from neighboring sites of residential and agriculture use. The site was formerly used as <br /> a dairy. There are no records of any septic system within the proposed development. <br /> 5.4 Discussion of all proposed future on-site sources of nitrate to soil and groundwater and <br /> the contribution of nitrate load from these sources to the project site: The proposed use for <br /> this site will be residential for up fifty-four 1 acre lots and a 5 acre Designated Remainder parcel. <br /> It is unknown how many room or fixtures will be in the built on these lots, so an average was <br /> determined. For residential use, the approximate flow rate that is expected to be used is between <br /> 50 to 70 gallons per person per day (Crites and Tchobanoglous). As this method of determining <br /> nitrate loads is conservative on its own,the value of 70 gallons per person per day was used. This <br /> method is conservative as it does not include lateral dispersion or mixing of groundwater. The <br /> residential homes are expected to be between 3 and 4 bedrooms, so an average of 4 was used for <br /> a total of 280 gallons per day. <br /> The average total nitrogen concentration of domestic waste water is about 20-85 mg/L-N (Crites <br /> and Tchnobanglous). The value selected for this site was 20 mg/L-N. <br /> The site will experience a process of denitrification as the soil naturally treats surface material <br /> through natural forms. Denitrification is a process that occurs when bacteria uses oxygen in the <br /> nitrate (NO3) and release nitrogen(N2) into the atmosphere. Denitrification can be variable to the <br /> type of soils,chemical properties,moisture content and other variables. Based on the sandy loams <br /> on site and the high percolation rates,this site's soil has low levels of denitrification. It is expected <br /> that a site with soil of these characteristics shall have approximately about 10-25% of <br /> denitrification. The value used for this site was 19%. <br /> 5.5 Calculate mass balance of nitrogen loading considering all potential sources identified <br /> using Hanztch/Finnemore equation: <br /> Using the data mentioned within this report and the attached Soil Suitability Report the mass <br /> balance of nitrogen loading for this site was calculated, this was done using Hanztch/Finnemore <br /> formula. Based on the Hanztch/Finnemore equation each one-acre site would contain a Nitrate <br /> Load(Nc)of 9.92 mg/L-N. The site can handle approximately 280 gal/day,a flow surpassing that <br /> amount could cause an impact to the site's nitrate load and surpass the maximum contaminant level <br /> (MCL) of 10.0 mg/L-N for Nitrate in drinking water for lots of one acre. Lots larger than one-acre <br /> have more flexibility, although flows exceeding 280gal/day should be evaluated on a case by case <br /> basis. <br /> 3 <br />