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The following is an itemized list of hazardous waste violations that have not been <br />addressed for ALL STAR INC. HEAVY HAUL & TOWING as of April 27, 2020. <br />Open violations from October 03, 2019 inspection <br />Violation #102 - Failed to determine if a waste is a hazardous waste. <br />OBSERVATIONS: The following were observed on-site: <br />- One white 30 gallon container observed partially full with a liquid; found behind the evidence shop. <br />- Two blue 55 gallon containers observed with waste diesel fuel found near Lima truck. Note: The diesel fuel was <br />removed from a Lima Trucking vehicle at a crash site and moved to this address. <br />- Operator states reusable soiled textiles are taken home to be laundered. <br />REGULATION GUIDANCE: Any person who generates a waste shall determine if the waste is a hazardous waste <br />as specified in Title 22 California Code of Regulations (CCR). There are wastes that are listed as hazardous <br />wastes. There are wastes that exhibit one or more of the hazardous waste characteristics: toxic, corrosive, reactive <br />or ignitable. <br />CORRECTIVE ACTION: Immediately make a hazardous waste determination for each waste, and manage it <br />according to Title 22 CCR. Use Safety Data Sheets (SOS), waste sampling and test results or other knowledge to <br />support your hazardous waste determination. Waste testing must be done using methods specified in Title 22 CCR <br />including sections 66261.20-24. <br />If reusable soiled textiles are determined to be a hazardous waste. Manage reusable soiled shop textiles by sending <br />to a commercial laundry service regulated under HSC 25144.6. Send a corrective action statement to the San <br />Joaquin County Environmental Health Department. <br />Submit a statement and supporting documentation with your hazardous waste determination. Demonstrate current <br />storage and labeling for wastes determined to be hazardous wastes. Provide disposal records for wastes <br />determined to be hazardous wastes and stored longer than the number of days specified in Title 22 CCR for your <br />hazardous waste generator status. <br />El This violation was corrected 0 This violation will be corrected by (date): <br />0 Supporting documents included <br />Describe actions taken or will be taken to correct violation: <br />Violation #403 - Failed to keep hazardous waste containers closed except when adding or removing <br />hazardous waste. <br />OBSERVATION: The following open hazardous waste storage containers were observed on-site: <br />- One 5 gallon bucket with used oil observed with no lid. Found near maintenance shop at the entrance of the <br />facility. <br />Note: Operator states used oil is taken to O'reilly's Auto Parts located on 1210 N Tracy Blvd, Tracy, CA 95376. <br />REGULATION GUIDANCE: A container holding hazardous waste shall always be closed during transfer and <br />storage, except when it is necessary to add or remove waste. <br />CORRECTIVE ACTION: Immediately close these containers and ensure all hazardous waste containers are closed <br />when not adding or removing waste. Provide a corrective action statement and supporting documentation to the <br />San Joaquin County Environmental Health Department within 30 days. <br />Page 1 of 6