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• Mr Ron Rowe <br /> February 24, 1999 <br /> Page 3 of 6 <br /> collect a groundwater sample from the well due to insufficient access for a bailer <br /> In order to determine the casing size, depth, and screened interval(s) of the onsite well, <br /> Ground Zero contacted the Department of Water Resources (DWR) and PHS/EHD to obtain <br /> information on any wells within 2,000 feet of the subject site -Wformation was available <br /> regarding the construction details of the water supply well on site A number of private <br /> domestic wells are located within 2,000 feet of the site, primarily to the southwest on <br /> Moreland Street and to the northeast on Gnekow Drive and Shippee Lane (see Surface Street <br /> Map, Figure 2) Groundwater beneath the site is expected to flow northeast, based on <br /> information obtained from the San Joaquin County Flood Control and Water Conservation <br /> District The nearest downgradicnt domestic well appears to be located approximately 600 feet <br /> northeast of the site on Gnekow Drive <br /> SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION <br /> On November 9 and 10, 1998 Virgil Baker, Inc (VBI, C57-466270 as contracted to advance <br /> two pilot borings (CPT1 And C 2) using a CPT rig to identify subsurface stratigraphy, and to <br /> advance additional soil borings as necessary to collect soil and groundwater samples Borings <br /> iSB1 and SB2 were advanced to collect soil and groundwater samples in the vicinity of the <br /> former USTs and boring SB3 was advanced to collect soil and, if possible, groundwater samples <br /> in the vicinity of the former dispenser island Soil boring locations are shown on Figure 3 <br /> CPT Pilot Bonn s <br /> Pilot boring CPT1 was advanced in the location of the former USTs and CPT2 was advanced in <br /> the vicinity of the former dispenser island to determine subsurface conditions beneath the site <br /> and to identify specific target intervals for collection of soil samples CPT1 encountered refusal <br /> at a depth of approximately 75 5 feet bgs, preventing further penetration of the subsurface <br /> CPT2 was advanced to a depth of approximately 73 5 feet bgs, prior to encountering refusal <br /> Electric CPT data transmitted from the cone tip provided information on soil behavior by <br /> measuring penetration resistance, friction ratio, and pore pressure Correlation of soil behavior <br /> to soil type was made electronically, based on a soil classification chart interpreted by Robertson <br /> & Campanella (1983) Copies of CPT data tables and graphs are included in Attachment A <br /> Based upon the CPT sounding data and resultant graphical data (Attachment A) soil encou=ltered <br /> beneath the site consisted primarily ofLclaa with some silt to approximately 26 feet below ground <br /> surface (bgs), very csuff-fine_gratneed sca,11 from approximately 26 to 31133 feet bgs, interbedded <br /> c 9y and-silt with minor lenses of silty sand from approximately 31133 to 51152 feet bgs, very <br /> sh -fine-grained soil from approximately 51152 to 55 feet bgs, sand to silty sand from <br /> approximately 55 to 60162 feet bgs,5 ,and verb ff`fine g nia ed soil from approximately 60162 <br /> to 64 feet bgs, sand and silty__san from approximately 64 to 66 feet bgs, and very_ ttff�firie <br /> 9roundzcltu1eburg4nrirpt doe <br />