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APPLICATION- SITE APPROVAL <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br /> V... ............. <br /> :., ::::::.............._:..::a:>..:::.:: .:.. }}c�.:::.�..:�•. .•.M.... :4 :.(yy�.��� .ai:..::i:::':i::i::::;;.>:;.>:»:;::>:.;:.::.i;::i»>:»>i.>:i.::.i>i.;i.:;: <br /> ...... .... iiiii�......:h vv::.:'.::::::::::::::•:::w::::::::::::.vw::::::::::::n::n.....................::..n:.... <br /> a... <br /> ....::•:O:;;pii};•}}i:^:•i:•i?:;:ii. a. ', .,:•:•....... :i:::::::i::i::i::i::i::i::::::::::'. <br /> .:: .......:�....... s..i}ilii?i:.:::ni'.i'i:.i..• ..:.i::i:i... .i?ii <br /> K h <br /> .. ............. <br /> .. ...: ..... •.:.::::•i::::. ..•.:. <br /> ..................::..:.......:...::.:...:::....::.�:... ............,:w.�...:::::.�.. .. <br /> :..::.:.:::.?:!{;.:;•.:nS%!^.ii.:•: :< : "'ajjy ijv..h....................isii...ii .}}L;:i; iii:4:?:4:ii}i:i ii: <br /> Describe any areas subject to flooding (include flood depths and flood panel map numbeO: <br /> None <br /> Describe the current depth of the ground water and depth to potable water: <br /> Unknown <br /> Describe any existing drainage courses or eroded areas on or near the project site (e.g. rivers, creeks, swales or drainage ditches): <br /> None <br /> .. ....... . ......._......__. .._.... .... <br /> Describe the site's topography (e.g. land forms, slopes, etc.): <br /> Flat <br /> Describe agricultural land that will be lost as a result of the project(type of nope, acres,quality of soil, etc.): <br /> None <br /> Describe any wildlife habitat on-site and species that are of may be present: <br /> None <br /> Describe any vegetation on-site by type and extent: <br /> Weeds <br /> _......... _..._._... _... .. .._._... ........ .............. _. __...._ .. __. <br /> ....... ..... . ...... .... ......................... .................. .... ..... ...... ... _...... ........................ <br /> ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. <br /> . ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_. <br /> ................................................................. ....__.... .......... ..... ....... ...................................... ... <br /> ::::::....::::::.::::.::: <br /> :.;:.;:.;:.;;::>:.... <br /> ::::;::: <br /> Describe air pollutants that may result from the project(e.g.conxbuction related dust,vehicle trips per day,fire places, Incinerators, <br /> etc.): <br /> Clearing & earthmoving dust vehicle traffic <br /> _....... ........ __._ __.... _ _ _................... ._ <br /> __._.. ....... __. ................... . ..._ <br /> _. ...... .................. .................... .................. . <br /> _.._..._.. ..... ......... . .... _ ....... ... . ......... . ...... ............... .... <br /> _ _... ... _. ........ .... ..... ._ ............ ...... ........ <br /> __..__ _...__._ ....... ........ ..... ... ........ ......... ................. ..__ <br /> ........ :.::.:. <br /> ::..:.., <br /> Describe any items of historical or archaeological interest onsite(e.g.cemeteries or structures): <br /> None <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of noise or vibration (e.g.freeway noise, heavy equipment, etc.): <br /> Construction equipment <br /> Describe any on-site or off-site sources of light of glare (e.g. parking lot lighting, or reflective materials used): <br /> None <br /> Describe any on-site or off-she source of odor(e.g. agricultural wastes): <br /> None <br /> Describe any displacement of people that will be caused by the project(e.g. numbers of people, housing units): <br /> None <br /> -4- <br />