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BTEX and TPHG, utilizing EPA methods 8020 and 8015, respectively. The laboratory <br /> did not detect any BTEX and TPHG at or above method detection limas in ether <br /> sample Soil sampling results are summarized in Table 1 Laboratory data sheets and <br /> chain-of-custody documentation are included in Appendix III <br /> 3.2.2 Monitoring Well Construction <br /> Soil borings MW2 and MW3 were subsequently completed as groundwater monitoring <br /> wells to further assess the extent of groundwater contamination beneath the site, and to <br /> provide measurement points for the determination of groundwater flow direction and <br /> hydraulic gradient. <br /> Each well was constructed with 2-inch PVC casing The screened interval of each well <br /> was positioned from approximately 5 feet above to 15 feet below the encountered water <br /> table to allow for seasonal water level fluctuations A well screen slot size of 0.01 inch <br /> was used <br /> The boring for the monitonng well was advanced with 8-inch outside diameter hollow <br /> ' stem augers When the augers were advanced to the desired depth of the well, the well <br /> casing was lowered down the center of the augers and set to the appropriate depth The <br /> ' annular space between the augers and the screened portion of the well was backfilled <br /> with Lonestar #2-12 sand As the filter pack was placed, the augers were withdrawn <br /> from the borehole so the sand flowed from the augers into the annular space of the <br /> borehole. The filter pack was extended to approximately two feet above the top of the <br /> screened portion of the casing A two foot seal of bentonite clay was placed in the <br /> ' annular space above the filter pack Since the bentonite seal was positioned above the <br /> water table, five gallons of potable water was added to allow the bentonite to gel. The <br /> ' remaining annular space was backfilled to the surface with neat cement using the <br /> tremmie method <br /> R-060092 TX <br />