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Union Pacific Fruit Express Company <br /> 1780 Vernon Street #3 <br /> Roseville, CA 95678 <br /> (916) 789-5333 <br /> (916) 789-5288 fax <br /> January 05,2001 <br /> PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION <br /> Karen Furst,M.D. M.P.H., Health Officer <br /> 304 East Weber Avenue, Third Floor, Stockton AC 95202 <br /> (209)468-3420 <br /> (209)468-3433 fax <br /> Dear Mr. Steven S sson,Inspector: <br /> (209)468-3459 <br /> The exceptions listed in your report,dated 12/12/2000 that pertain to our Facility at 833 East 8"' <br /> Street at Stockton have been corrected. Your exceptions have been handled in the following <br /> manner. <br /> (12) 66265.31 (CCR) Facility not maintained to minimize the release of hazardous <br /> waste. The oily g avel that was being collected during inspection was placed into a 55-gallon <br /> drum that was rem ved by Asbury Environmental Services on 12/19/2000,Manifest Document <br /> Number 20552412. <br /> (19) 252001 (a) SC) Stored hazardous waste on site longer than 90 days without a <br /> permit or autho rization. The hazardous waste was picked up on a regular basis but the <br /> stickers were over oked and not kept current. Copies of manifests for the past three years will <br /> be included with tl is letter to confirm our efforts to stay in compliance. These records are fairly <br /> complete but becaiise of the merger of two Facilities as well as the closure recently of our <br /> Stockton Facility some records might have been lost in the process. <br /> Waste oil was picked up by Asbury Environmental Services and here is a list of manifest <br /> numbers and dates The spread in pick up dates since 10/30/98 reflects a concerted effort to <br /> change oil during the winter months, resulting in seasonal waste oil accumulation. During the <br /> busy season the of and filters collected were disposed of at the Union Pacific recycle centers until <br /> they closed their o eration. <br /> 225435, 02/03/98, 600 gallons.-233639, 05/01/98, 645 gallons.-240911, 06/03/98, 675 <br /> gallons. <br /> 242118, 08/27/98, 670 gallons.-250899, 10/30/98, 710 gallons.-265710,02/03/99, 650 <br /> gallons. <br />