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FOR SERVICE CALL: SERVICE ORDER <br /> DIXON OFFICE FORM NO AESG04-8(RFV ITOT <br /> 1-800-7-ASBURY _ SERVICE ORDER NO. <br /> UNION CITY OFFICE = — <br /> 1-888-603-8844 <br /> CHICO OFFICE <br /> 800-733-9043 <br /> ASBURY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES <br /> S 1300 SOUTH SANTA FE, COMPTON, CA 90221 <br /> H 1-310-886-3400 <br /> P TRANSPORTER EPA#CAD028277036 ,- <br /> P <br /> E <br /> D <br /> CUSTOMER# PURCHASE OR ER# ROUTE# TRUCK# CONTACT NAME ORDER TAKEN BY HALIDES <br /> DATE REQUIRED DATE ENTER D NEXT SERVICE DATE CUSTOMER EPA# MANIFEST# <br /> 3 6) <br /> PART# DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE QTY PIU TOTAL <br /> ., i? _t; <br /> TOTAL <br /> CASH REC'D: CHECK PLEASE PAY FROM THIS SERVICE ORDER <br /> WASTE DISPOSAL INFORMATION <br /> NON-RCRA HAZARDOUS WAST , LIQUID(USED OIUMIXED OILS)"NO PLACARDS REQUIRED- STATE CODE 221 <br /> NON-RCRA HAZARDOUS WAST , LIQUID(ETHYLENE GLYCOL SOLUTIONS)`NO PLACARDS REQUIRED* STATE CODE <br /> OTHER: <br /> DESIGNATED TSDF: <br /> ALTERNATE TSDF: <br /> SA RECYCLING: 33210 Western Avenue, Union City, CA 94587 1-510-487-9277 <br /> DRUMS PIU: EMPTY D UMS: FACILITY: B S C <br /> GENERATOR WASTE CERTIFICATION <br /> PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX <br /> This is to certify that the waste described above is pro erly classified,described,packaged,marked and labeled,and is in proper condition for transportation,according to applicable Slate <br /> and federal regulations.By signing below I also hereb certify that: <br /> (Waste oil enerator/customer MUST check ONE of the following three boxes) <br /> 1 have not mixed any of the waste described ab ve with any other hazardous waste,the total halide content is LESS than 1,000 ppm,and the waste does not contain any PCBs.I have <br /> complied with the requirements of the applicable Cali ornia used oil management regulations to determine this Is true.I agree to accept the additional charges for the disposal of this waste <br /> if the information I have provided about this waste is' correct <br /> ❑#2)1 have not mixed any of the waste described ab a with any other nazardous waste,the total halide content is GREATER than 1,000 ppm,and the waste does not contain any PCBs.I <br /> have provided proper documentation to Asbury Enviro mental Services to rebut the presumption that this waste was mixed with other hazardous waste.I agree to accept the additional charges <br /> for the disposal of this waste if the information I have ovided about this waste is incorrect <br /> p#3)This waste is from a tank which collects waste o 1 from household"do-it-yourself'(DIY)andlor conditionally exempt small quantity generator(CESQG)sources.To the best of my <br /> knowledge,the only waste oil contained in my DIY/C SQG collection tank is soley from DIY and/or CESQG sources.I have not mixed this waste oil with any other hazardous waste or <br /> waste oil from other sources.I agree to accept the add ional charges for disposal of this waste if the information I have provided about this waste is incorrect <br /> (All generators/ ustomers MUST read the following text and check the associated box.) <br /> #4) If I am a large quantity generator,I fortify that I ave a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically <br /> practicable and that I have selected the practicable me hod of treatment,storage,or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human life and <br /> the environment;Or,if I am a small quantity generator,I have made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available <br /> to me that I can afford. <br /> Customer Signature Date Driver Signature Date <br /> Print Name Print Drivers Name <br />