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1 <br /> First Quarter 2002 Monitoring and Sampling Report 3 <br /> 7-Eleven Inc Store No 17334 4501 North Pershing Avenue Stockton,CA April 22, 2002 <br /> tspecific preservative The samples were then sealed using Teflon septum caps, labeled with the fob <br /> Identification number, the sample number, date, time, and type of laboratory analysis required The <br /> samples were stored on Ice and transported with a chain-of-custody record to a state-certified laboratory <br /> for analysis Groundwater samples were analyzed for BTEX and TPH-G using Environmental Protection <br /> Agency (EPA) methods 80216/modified 8015, and for oxygenates MTBE, TBA, DIPE, ETBE, and TAME <br /> using EPA method 8260B <br />' Analytical results for the quarterly sampling event are presented in Table 1, and historical laboratory <br /> analytical results are summarized in Table 2 Dissolved benzene concentrations were not detected above <br /> the reporting limits from any of the wells during the most recent monitoring event Dissolved MTBE <br />' concentrations were highest In well MW-4 (3,230 ug/L) Other monitoring wells contained less than 10 ug/L <br /> MTBE Selected dissolved constituents are plotted on Figure 2 The laboratory analytical reports are <br />' Included in Attachment 4 <br /> Prior to purging, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels were recorded in each well Dissolved oxygen levels <br />' indicate generally anaerobic conditions (less than 0 9 milligrams per liter(mg/L)) (Table 1) <br /> Purgewater Disposal <br /> All purgewater generated during this quarterly monitoring and sampling event was stored in 55-gallon <br /> Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved drums, pending proper transport and disposal Waste <br />' disposal documentation will be forwarded once received <br /> Conclusion and Recommendations <br /> 1 <br /> As reported previously, field records indicate the presence of a possible offsite contaminant source, a <br />' remediation system is present on the property located directly across North Pershing Avenue from the <br /> 7-Eleven site This finding may indicate plume mixing in the area of well MW-4 with another hydrocarbon <br /> source (not 7-Eleven) Other quarterly data obtained during this sampling event are consistent with <br />' previous findings, indicating the onsite hydrocarbon source is in the vicinity of the underground storage <br /> tanks Wells MW-2, MW-3, and MW-5B were non-detect for all analytes during the current monitoring <br /> event, suggesting a decline in concentrations and geographic extent of plume constituents Dissolved <br />' plume constituent concentrations in the deeper nested well MW-513 have also been used to Indicate vertical <br /> plume delineation near the source area Plume delineation will be reviewed in the context of additional site <br />' assessment <br /> • <br /> ' 17334Q21 QMR DOC <br />