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Second Quarter 1998 Monitoring and Sampling Report and Closure Abstract 2 <br /> The Southland Corporation,4501 North Pershing Avenue,Stockton,CA July 2,9998 <br />' No separate-phase hydrocarbons(SP)were observed in any of the groundwater monitoring wells during <br /> this monitoring event A potenttometnc surface map was prepared using the groundwater elevation data <br /> collected from the five monitoring wells on June 15, 1998 (Figure 2) Based on the potentiometric surface <br />' map, groundwater flow Is toward the northeast at an approximate gradient of 0 004 foot per foot <br /> Groundwater monitoring results for June 15, 1998 and historical mondonng results are presented in Table 1 <br /> (Attachment 2) Field data sheets are included in Attachment 3 <br /> Prior to purging dissolved oxygen levels were recorded in each well Dissolved oxygen levels ranged from <br /> 1 20 milligrams per liter(mg/L) to well MW-3 to 210 mg/L in well MW-2 Low dissolved oxygen levels <br />' generally indicate depletion of oxygen through biodegradation Dissolved oxygen data for wells monitored <br /> on June 15, 1998 are presented in Table 1 <br />' Monitoring Well Sampling and Analytical Results <br /> On June 15, 1998,groundwater samples were collected from five monitoring wells Before sampling, at <br />' least 4 well-casing volumes of groundwater was removed from each monitoring well unless the well was <br /> purged dry The groundwater samples were collected using disposable bailers Groundwater samples <br />' were placed in analysis-specific containers with analysis-specific preservative The samples were then <br /> sealed using Teflon septum caps, labeled with the fob identification number,the sample number,date, <br /> time, and type of laboratory analysis required. The samples were stored on ice and transported with a <br /> chain-of-custody record to state-certified Core Analytical Laboratory,to Anaheim,California Groundwater <br /> samples were analyzed for BTEX and TPH-G using Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) methods <br /> 8020/modified 8015,and for oxygenates MTBE,TBA, DIPS, ETBE, and TAME using EPA method 8260 <br /> Analytical results for the June 15, 1998,sampling event and historical laboratory analytical results are <br /> summarized in Table 1 Highest dissolved benzene and TPH-G concentrations were reported in well MWA <br />' at 5,000 micrograms per liter(pg/L) and 52,000 pgA., respectively MTBE was detected in groundwater from <br /> four wells, MWA, MWAA,MW-3 and MW4 at concentrations of 21,000 pg/L,31 pg/L,25 pg/L and 2,700 <br /> pg/L, respectively Benzene and MTBE concentrations declined or remained at low to non-detectable <br />' concentrations in all wells except MWA TPH-G concentrations were non-detectable in MWA A and MW-2 <br /> but increased in the other three wells Historical groundwater monitoring and analytical data indicate that the <br /> dissolved hydrocarbon plume is restricted to an area between MW-1,near the pump island and UST pad, <br /> and MW-4 which is approximately 90 feet downgradtent(northeast) of MWA For the second quarter 1998, <br /> the downgradtent decline in benzene, MTBE and TPH-G concentrations between well MWA and MW-4 are <br /> 99 percent, 94 percent and 87 percent, respectively Wells MW-2 and MW-3,which are upgradient and <br />' cross-gradient of MW-1, historically have had non-detectable to low concentrations of benzene,MTBE and <br /> TPH-G The laboratory analytical reports for the groundwater samples are included in Attachment 4 <br /> FLUOR DANIEL GTI <br /> 1 <br />