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SAN.DJOAQUIN <br />COUNTY <br />Environmental Health Department <br />6. Mobile Food Facilities where nonprepackaged food is cooked, blended, or otherwise <br />prepared shall provide a warewashing sink with at least three compartments with two <br />integral metal drainboards. The dimensions of each compartment of the warewashing <br />sink shall be at least 12 inches wide, 12 inches long, and 10 inches deep, or large enough <br />to accommodate the cleaning of the largest utensil. Each drainboard shall be at least the <br />size of one of the sink compartments. The drainboards shall be installed with at least <br />one-eighth inch per foot slope toward the sink compartment, and fabricated with a <br />minimum of one-half inch lip or rim to prevent the draining liquid from spilling onto the <br />floor. (CRFC Section 114313) <br />7. Wastewater tanks shall have a minimum capacity that is 50 percent greater than the <br />potable water tanks. In no case shall the wastewater capacity be less than 7.5 gallons. <br />Where potable water for the preparation of a food or beverage is supplied, an additional <br />wastewater tank capacity equal to at least 15 percent of the water supply shall be <br />provided. (CRFC Section 114240) <br />8. Mobile food facilities shall have a clear, unobstructed height over the aisle -way portion <br />of the unit of at least 74 inches from floor to ceiling, and a minimum of 30 inches of <br />unobstructed horizontal aisle space. (CRFC Section 114321) <br />The EHD must be kept informed of the construction progress. A final inspection must be <br />performed, operating permit fees paid, and approval to operate granted prior to opening for <br />business. All equipment must be installed and thorough cleaning completed prior to the final <br />inspection. Inspections must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance. Charges for additional <br />inspections, re -inspections and/or consultations may be assessed at the EHD hourly rate of <br />$152 per hour. <br />Any item(s) inadvertently overlooked in the plan check process, which is not in compliance with <br />applicable State laws, and/or city or county ordinance codes, shall be constructed or <br />reconstructed upon request of the EHD. Inferior workmanship, equipment, or materials will not <br />be accepted for the construction or operation of a food facility. Any variance from the <br />requirements outlined in this letter will require written approval from the EHD. Approval of the <br />submitted plans shall become null and void if the work authorized is not commenced within 180 <br />days from the date of approval, or the work authorized by such plans is abandoned. In order to <br />renew action on an expired plan approval, the applicant shall submit fees equal to that of a new <br />plan review. A copy of the approved plans shall be available on site at the time of final <br />inspection. <br />If you have any questions, please contact Scott Sangalang, Senior Registered Environmental <br />Health Specialist, at (209) 209-468-3452. <br />Sincerely, <br />4 <br />Jeff Carruesco, REHS, RDI <br />Program Coordinator <br />2 oft <br />