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GEOMATRIX <br /> this interval, which grades downward into loose, dark gray to greenish-gray, poorly-graded <br />' sand This dark gray sand was observed in all three borings from approximately 30 to 41 feet <br /> bgs, the total depth explored <br />' Data from nearby studies indicate that the depth to groundwater in the vicinity ranges from <br /> about 5 to 10 feet bgs (SPGC, 1998, and EMCON, 1998) Seasonal fluctuations in the water <br />' table appear to range from about 3 to 5 feet, with some as much as 6 to 9 feet Tank removal <br /> inspection records for Port sites (dating back to 1987) indicate that no groundwater was <br /> encountered during excavation or soil resampling to a depth of as much as 16 feet bgs Water <br /> levels in this area have risen as much as 8 feet since 1994, 2 to 3 feet of which appear to be <br />' attributable to the heavy and prolonged El Nino rainfalls the winter of 1997198 Water levels <br /> measured in the three initial bonngs at Site 3 on August 7, 1998 ranged from about 9 5 to <br />' 12 feet bgs Based on nearby studies (SPGC, 1998 and EMCON, 1998) groundwater flow <br /> directions in the vicinity appear to be variable, ranging from west northwest to east southeast <br /> Flow direction changes may be due to tidal influences produced by the deep-water channel to <br /> the north and the San Joaquin River to the west and southwest of the Port complex <br /> 1.4 REvrEw OF MONITORING DATA <br /> Monitoring data, including groundwater levels and groundwater samples, have been collected <br /> from the site on a quarterly basis since July 1999 Samples have been analyzed for TPH-g, <br /> benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), and on several occasions for MTBE In <br /> addition, field parameters (temperature, electrical conductivity, and pH) are measured prior to <br /> sample collection at each monitoring event <br /> IGroundwater levels during the period of record have ranged from about 9 to 12 feet bgs <br /> (Table 1) Groundwater flow directions are variable, ranging, in a clockwise sense, from <br /> northwest to southwest (Figure 2) Gradients have also been variable, ranging from about <br /> 0 004 to 0 035 feet per foot No seasonality is apparent in the flow direction or gradient <br /> Water quality samples collected to date indicate significant variability in concentrations of <br /> PHCs TPH-g concentrations have ranged from 180 to 8,800 µg11 and benzene concentrations <br /> have ranged from 3 8 to 886 gg/l (Table 2) No MTBE has been detected in any of the <br /> monitoring wells The lowest TPH-g concentrations have generally been in MW3-1 and the <br /> highest in MW3-3, although benzene concentrations are generally highest in MW3-2 No <br /> discernable trends in PHC concentrations (either up or down) have been detected in any of the <br /> monitoring wells <br /> I\PROIEC'IW37 000/6437 Wk PIn Site 3 doc 4 <br />