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I <br />' 19 December 2005 <br /> AGE-NC Project No 99-0645 <br />' Page 4of8 <br />' advanced southeast of well MW-2 to 70 feet bsg, boring MW-1R was Installed east of the former <br /> UST area to 100 feet bsg, vapor well VW1B was advanced under the building at a 20 degree angle <br /> to an extent of 40 feet, VW 1 A was Installed east of the former UST area to 70 feet bsg, V W2 was <br />' Installed east of the former UST area to 40 feet bsg, and VW3 was Installed south of well MW-3 to <br /> 60 feet bsg Soil samples were collected at five foot intervals, generally beginning at 10 feet bsg, or <br /> where native soil was encountered below backfill Monitoring and vapor extraction wells were <br />' completed within the following Intervals MW-IR from 80 feet to 100 feet bsg, V W 1 B from 15 feet <br /> to 40 feet bsg, VW 1A from 40 feet to 70 feet bsg,V W2 from 15 feet to 40 feet bsg,and VW3 from <br /> 20 feet to 50 feet bsg <br />' A total of 28 soil samples were analyzed Samples from B6'had concentrations of BTEX compounds <br /> and MTBE above laboratory reporting limits MTBE ranged from 0 010 mg/kg to 0 63 mg/kg BTEX <br />' compounds were detected at maximum concentrations of 0 020 mg/kg benzene, 0 060 mg/kg <br /> toluene, 0 030 mg/kg ethylbenzene, and 0 070 mg/kg xylenes The sample results from B7 showed <br /> only one contaminated sample, collected at 30 feet bsg, with 0 49 mg/kg MTBE At 40 feet bsg in <br /> MW-1 R, 1 2 mg/kg TPH-g was detected, MTBE was detected at concentrations of 0 43 mg/kg and <br /> 12 mg/kg at 30 feet and 40 feet, respectively, TAME was detected at 30 feet and 40 feet at <br /> concentrations of 0 040 mg/kg and 0 030 mg/kg, respectively <br />' Results for VW 1 A showed TPH-g and TAME at detected 40 feet bsg at concentrations of 4 6 mg/kg <br /> and 0 010 mg/kg, respectively MTBE was detected from 40 feet to 60 feet bsg at concentrations <br /> I ranging from 0 030 mg/kg to 4 2 mg/kg Soil from VW3 had detections of MTBE at 30 feet and <br /> 40 feet bsg at concentrations of 0 020 mg/kg and 0 060 mg/kg,respectively Analytical results of soil <br /> samples are summarized In Table 2 <br /> 25 SOIL PROFILE <br />' Based on soil data collected from soil borings B 1 through B7 MW-1 through MW-3 V W 1 through <br /> g g � g g <br /> VW3, and the UST excavation, the subsurface soil generally consists of clayey silt, silty sand, and <br /> silt from surface grade to approximately 17 feet bsg An approximately 10-foot layer of silty sand, <br /> poorly graded sand, and gravel was encountered from 17 feet to 32 feet bsg, with clayey silt, silty <br /> sand, and silt, Interspersed with discontinuous lenses of sandy material, extending to 75 feet to <br /> 80 feet bsg A layer of silty sand and gravel was Identified between 75 feet and 80 feet bsg on the <br /> south end of the site and between 80 feet and 85 feet on the north end Clayey silt,silty sand,and silt, <br /> interspersed with discontinuous lenses of sandy material, was encountered to the total depth of the <br /> borings <br /> • <br />' Advanced CeoEnvironroental,Inc <br />