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Jrstultattd Niass of Petroleum H3 drocarbons Constituents Remaining m Groundn►ater <br /> Colber goat Works,401 North Stockton Street,Stockton,California <br /> Page 3 <br /> • calculation (i e for the contour interval between 0 pg/L and 100 pg/L, a concentration of 100 <br /> U94, was used for the calculation) Typically, it is assumed that the average between the higher <br /> and lower contour concentration for a particular interval would be a good approximation of the <br /> representative concentration for a particular contour interval volume <br /> In order to calculate the mass of TPHg, benzene, and MTBE in each contour interval, it is <br /> necessary to multiply the volume of water in each iso-contour by the highest concentration <br /> within each iso-contour The volume of water needs to be converted from cubic feet into liters to <br /> ensure consistency with units The conversion for water is one cubic foot is equal to 28 3 liters <br /> Sample calculations for the mass of TPHg contained outside the 100 pg/L contour for <br /> groundwater is as follows <br /> Mass.,,,, =100 pg/L*28 3 Ul ft' k 5,394 ft' = 15,265,020 pg <br /> Converting these numbers into pounds is a simple mathematical conversion of dividing by one <br /> billion (1 x 109) and then multiplying by 2 20462 pounds/kilogram for the groundwater This <br /> gives a mass of 0 034 pounds of TPHg between the 0 pg/L iso-contour and the 100 pg/L iso- <br /> contour for groundwater <br /> In order to calculate the total mass of TPHg, benzene, and MTBE in groundwater, it is necessary <br /> to follow the same equations above for each of the contour areas The total estimated mass for <br /> TPHg, benzene, and MTBE are summarized in Tables 4, 5, and 6, respectively <br /> CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> Based on the minor detections of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents in the 20-foot samples <br /> collected from hydropunch borings SB-20 and SB-21 and that these samples were collected from <br /> soil beneath the static water level, the estimated mass of TPHg, benzene, and MTBE remaining <br /> in soil was not re-calculated based on the most recent laboratory analytical data <br /> According to groundwater elevation data from the October 1999 sampling event, groundwater <br /> flow beneath the subject site is to the northeast at an approximate hydraulic gradient of 0 018 <br /> ft/ft This flow direction proves to be away from the Stockton Deep Water Channel located <br /> directly south of the site <br /> The mass of TPHg, benzene, and MTBE remaining in groundwater beneath the subject is <br /> approximately less than t/z pound for each constituent <br /> REPORT DISTRIBUTION <br /> Ms Lynn Swanson <br /> Colberg Boat Works, LLC <br /> . P O Box 1288 <br /> Stockton, CA 95201 <br />