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and indicated that based on the use of the impacted aquifer as a domestic water supply, the <br /> groundwater shall not contain concentrations of contaminants of concern that exceed the respective <br /> Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLS) <br /> 23 Remedial Well and System Installation <br /> rThe lateral ozone injection lines, soil vapor extraction Iines, and remediation compound were installed <br /> following installation of the ozone sparge and SVE wells The location of the treatment compound is <br /> shown on Figure 3 The SVE lines were stubbed up into a manifold in the treatment compound The <br /> initial SVE system consisted of a 500 cubic feet per minute (cfm) blower with a catalytic oxidizer fired <br /> by natural gas connected to the SVE well field manifold Soil vapor extraction was initiated at the Site <br /> on September 26, 2002, under San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) <br /> Authority to Construct number N-4613-1-0 <br /> The 20 ozone sparge pipes were stubbed up into a manifold and connected to the 6 cfm ozone sparge <br /> skid Ozone spargmg was initiated at the Site on November 20, 2002 <br /> The ozone sparge system operated approximately 52% of the time during the Second Quarter reporting <br /> period Between March 7 and April 6, 2005, the system operated approximately one day a week due to <br /> automatic shutdown by the ozone meter as described below On April 6, 2005, the system was taken <br /> . off-line indefinitely <br /> On March 7, 2005, moisture was observed in sparge lines downstream of the manifold Upon closer <br /> inspection, the moisture originated from atmospheric conditions through the intake of the air sparge <br /> pump, upstream of the manifold The moist air mixed with the ozone and precipitated an acid in the <br /> flow gauge located between the air sparge pump and the manifold, causing corrosion on the metal <br /> parts The corrosion obstructed the flow from the air sparge pump into the manifold The air sparge <br /> pump was subsequently shut down for servicing and ozone odors were immediately detected inside the <br /> shed resulting in an automatic shutdown of the ozone sparge system An open pressure relief valve on <br /> the sparge pump manifold was identified as the probable source of the leak and it was closed After <br /> restart of the ozone sparge system, no ozone was detected in the ambient air and the system was <br /> operational without the air sparge pump Use of the air sparge pump was discontinued due to the <br /> irreparable flow gauge <br /> Between March 7 and April 6, 2005, Geocon visited the Site weekly to change chart paper on the SVE <br /> system Upon each visit, the ozone generator was off due to automatic shutdown by the ozone meter <br /> On each of those dates, the system was re-started and searching for the leak or leaks proved <br /> unsuccessful The system remained operational for approximately one day following re-start after each <br /> occurrence <br /> • <br /> Project No S8643-06-01 -3- September 28 2005 <br />