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r <br /> WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS ORDER NO.R5-2004-0018 -3 - <br /> M&L COMMODITIES, <br /> FORMERLY SOUTHWEST HIDE COMPANY <br /> SOUTHWEST HIDE WASTEWATER PONDS <br /> SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY <br /> removed were classified as 'designated solid wastes' in previous Waste Discharge <br /> Requirements. <br /> DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE <br /> 12. Land within 1000 feet of the facility is used for agricultural and commercial purposes. <br /> 13. Background ground water quality is characterized by total dissolved solids (TDS) and <br /> chlorides of approximately 200 and 18 mg/1, respectively. <br /> 14. In the eastern portion of the site, groundwater flows to the east with a hydraulic gradient less <br /> than 1 ft/mi. In the western portion of the site, the groundwater flows to the west with a <br /> hydraulic gradient of 0.04 ft/ft. In the northern portion of the site, groundwater flows to the <br /> northeast with a hydraulic gradient of 0.07 ft/ft. <br /> 15. Static groundwater level in the shallow aquifer is approximately 10 to 15 feet below the <br /> present ground surface. <br /> 16. Ground water monitoring results show that saline water has leached from the site soils. The <br /> pollutant plume direction is influenced by nearby irritation. Monitoring wells have <br /> measured values for Total Dissolved Solids at concentrations greater than 4000 mg/l,which <br /> exceeds background concentrations and the drinking water standard of 500 mg/l. <br /> 17. Soils onsite are alluvial with layers of clays, silts, sands and gravels of moderate <br /> permeability providing hydraulic continuity with ground water. <br /> 18. The beneficial uses of ground water are domestic, municipal, agricultural and industrial <br /> supply. <br /> 19. The facility receives an average of 12 inches of precipitation per year. <br /> 20. The facility is not within a 100-year floodplain. <br /> 21. Surface drainage is to the Stanislaus River. <br /> 22. The beneficial uses of these surface waters are domestic, municipal, agricultural, and <br /> industrial supply; ground water recharge; fresh water replenishment; and preservation and <br /> enhancement of fish, wildlife and other aquatic resources. <br />